Blog 1# G'day Guys

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7th of December 2016

Okay I don't know what I am doing but it isn't going to matter, my reputation will just go down in flames as this get's published and exposed to the world.

So anyways...G'day Guys, It's Jessigirl here and I just want to welcome you all to my blog!

*cue fireworks and clapping from the audience*

I am quite new to this so I am not too sure how I want my blogs to be, but I am hoping they can be just some daily blogs, few DIYs, recommendations, comedy ect.

I will admit that I have a very strange sense of humour so please if you don't understand a joke of mine, or a pun or anything I put down that comes across those lines, please just let me know and I can explain it better for you.

So if we check the calendar on my 4 year old DELL laptop (that's right no MacBook or anything cause I am so ancient) today is the 7th of December which means that there is only 18 more days till Christmas!! I hope you guys are all excited as I am for the holidays and I hope that wherever you are in the world you are enjoying the leadup and enjoying all the festivities.

I feel like this is the part now where I should tell you guys a little bit about myself, firstly my full name is Jessica and some people call me other names as nicknames (I will make a blog by itself on nicknames) and I also go by Jessi (hence my blog name). I am 17 years old, so I am pretty young and new to the blogging world, I started on here at the age of 15just doing creative writing and fanfics and no one knows about it (it's like a dirty secret). I love hobbies such as drawing and music and reading and I do love YouTube as it has been a big part of my life recently and hopefully I can upgrade from just blogs to also doing vlogs and ultimately YouTube.

Also I want to establish some house rules to this blog site.

1) Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but if you haven't got anything nice to comment then don't comment at all.

2) If you have any blog requests or questions to ask then please leave comments below

3) I am no robot and because I still have school and alot on my plate I may not upload as regularly as I should, so if I say I will try to upload by this time, trust me I will try but we cannot make any piecrust promises

4) Anything that I post that includes other's work it is their work and I do not own any of their work. I am strong on the beliefs of copyright and plagiarising and this also includes my work as well please give me acknowledgement if you want to use my work in your own the same way I give acknowledgement to everyone's work I blog.

5) Any stories that I share with you here on the blog are going to have different names just for privacy and for keeping everyone's identities to themselves, just putting it out there.

6) Alot of my blogs are going to be based on my own perspectives and opinions and how I feel about things, by any means please do not take anything that I say to offence because it was the way I was brought up to think and just by viewing the media as how I perceive much. Also though I may be brought up on religion, I do not practise it. So if I say anything religious then please know that by any means I am not trying to dictate how you must view life, everything is only ideas and opinions and if it goes too far in the comments then I apologise on behalf.

7) Please know that if I speak about any sensitive topics in these blogs, and you have a similar experience and want to talk about it to someone and have them listen then please do not be afraid to inbox me, I will be your ears to listen and as much as I may not understand what you are going through or we may have different experiences on the same issue, I know what the aftermath can feel like and I want you guys to know that it is okay to talk about your feelings to someone and feel okay discussing such things without feeling judge or 'different'




Okay well I think that is everything covered from me and hopefully this can just be smooth sailing from here on out.

So anyways, this is the blog and hopefully our family can expand, I want to try and upload new blogs every few days and since I am on holidays it should not be too hard to do so, and if there is any problems then I will just let you guys know in advance.

Coolies okay.

Also the cover on this blog is temporary, if you guys have any ideas on how to do the front cover for my blog book then please let me know in the comments because I would love a better cover, or if you guys want to design one for me then please inbox me letting me know and I can give you my email to send it to me.

That's all from me today and I hope you are going to have a great Christmas, a Happy new year and a wonderful boxing day (...cause why not)

See ya 

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