Blog 27# Q and A three :3

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G'day Guys it's Jessi and today I am feeling questionable

*Cue Tyler oakley's Q and Slay song*

It is time to ask me the questions and I will provide the 100% honest truth...for most of these questions. Now most of these that I have been asked are 'would you rather...' so if you want to join in just leave a comment below and comment your answer to any of these questions. I didn't want to make any privacy issues so I kept everyone's names to themselves and all identities are not listed other than mine.

You guys are excited for my answers, I am scared but let's do it

1) Have you had any interest in writing a new book?

Actually I have, and I have been working on some projects, however I should probably find the time to finish my current works before starting anything new.

2) Llamas or Lions?

Okay, obviously this came from a Phan fan, but this is such a hard question to answer. However at the end of the day my loyalty lies with Lions, proud strong and the symbolism of strength.

3) If you could have any superpower what would it be and why?

If I could have any super power it would have to be either the power of invisibility or the power of flying. I think either one would be really cool to have either of those powers

4) Favourite song quote?

"I'm a walking travesty but I'm smiling at everything" from All Time Low's song 'Therapy', this song in particular is one that I have related to and I have always listened to. It keeps me going as a reminder that everything will be okay.

5) What is your clothing style?

High-waisted jeans or jeggings and button up shirts/plaid shirts. pair with a pair of canvas shoes/converses/army boots and typical punk jewellery and wam bam walazam you have the Jessi. C look

6) Dye your hair a bold colour and it would be...?

Navy blue or bold red, fight out in the comments though what colour I should dye my hair

7) Cake or Vegetables?

haha haaha haha ha ha hahaha ha h- cake obviously, let's get our priorities straight

8) Where would you be without Wattpad?

With the worst English skills in the world, depressed as heck and probably six feet under. Without Wattpad my life would have been very much different, but I am glad I became part of the Wattpad family because I have friends on here, a great community and just such confidence that I never had before. An you guys made that happen, so thankyou so much for being so welcoming! :)

9) Would you rather lose a foot or a hand?

ummm...I would loose a foot, then I would still have hands to type, I have a chronic nerve disorder with my legs so to loose a foot would not be a complete tragedy for me.

10) If you were a Pokémon you'd choose?

I would be the classic Pikachu!!! Pikaaaa!!!!, such a little electricity ball of power and with such a cuteness overload. Plus Ash and Pikachu is such a cute pair in the friendship category

11) Sleep for 10 hours or exercise for 10 hours?

same as the cake question, priorities come first...sleep

12) Luke Hemmings and Queen Liz or Tyler Oakley and Queen Jacki?

No NOOOO I REFUSE TO ANSWER THIS ONE, I REFUSE!!! This is something I cannot answer, it would rip a whole in the social universe for me.

13) Favourite song from the 80's?

'Walking on sunshine' by Katrina and the waves, this was actually the first song I learnt word by word when I was 6 years old, it just creates so much positivity and it is also a great song to start your day with

14) Wear melted ice cream as lip balm or popcorn as earrings?

Maybe melted ice cream as lip balm, the one time you can lick your lips and it would taste so good. Earrings wouldn't also be too bad either but, at the end of the day ice cream as lip balm for me.

15) Celebrity male crush and celebrity female crush?

Male celebrity crush: Chris Pine

Female celebrity crush: Scarlett Johansson

16) Blogging or Vlogging?

Blogging but I hope eventually to start vlogging

17) If you had a popular fandom what would you call it?

My fandom would be hopefully called the J.C Squad, it sounds weird but who knows maybe it would actually happen one day

18) Radio station or Spotify?

umm radio station for car trips but Spotify any other time

19) What was the first social media app you had?

I think the order goes, Facebook, Wattpad, Google+, Youtube, Twitter and Tumblr

20) You are in the apocalypse and you have three choices of weapon, a sword, bow and arrows or the power of physical strength, which do you choose?

Wow okay, funnily enough my friend had a dream where she killed me in the apocalypse so...if it was my choice then I would have a bow and arrows. Be like a whole Hunger Games styled apocalypse and I could be Katniss Everdeen. Eat your heart out Jennifer Lawrence

Okay and that is the Q and A signed sealed and delivered, if you guys wanna be a part of my next Q and A then please leave a comment with your question below or inbox me. If you want to read more of my work and want to be the first one to receive updates then just click on my icon and press the 'follow' button. Want to be part of the J.C squad on Twitter? Just go on there and press follow @Jessigirl_105 and join the non-existent fandom that I wish there was.

Well that's all from me, enjoy the weekend guys!

Bye xxx

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