Blog 7# The Internet Has Destroyed Society!

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18th of December 2016
G'day guys
Sorry about the brief updates but I have reason
My laptop died
And no not died as in 'need to charge the battery' I mean died as in 'dead, dead as a door nail' .
R.I.P Laptop

This means I have to use my school laptop or my next best option...Ipad

This then lead me to thinking about...Technology

Okay so my Laptop is a Dell, Windows 8 and as we enter 2017 I was thinking about all the advancements that we have now in technology...and they can't even expand the warranty on a simple laptop!
Yes this laptop doesn't convert into a tablet like a Transformer but I did not care, because this is how laptops should always be. Cause when you have a convertible Laptop everything gets so touchy and the battery life goes quicker then it really should.
"But Jessi, this is how the world works and this is how technology works now"
I don't care I am a dinosaur when it comes to technology I like the easy and simple guide of a laptop and used in one purpose, a computer on your lap!

However I must of course acknowledge and compliment 2016 in regards to how far technology has now come, I remember being in the 5th grade (age 11) and the first IPad came out and that was all I really wanted, I didn't get one till I was 13 and even then it was the school iPad (then by year 10 it became mine officially cause the school decided that this freaky laptops were the way to go). Also with the IPhones, who remembers having to make calls or texts with a small block phone that could either slide the keyboard when texting or the phone that you could flip shut when someone is being rude to you (it was the foundation of sass for so many generations), now we have like the IPhone 5, IPhone 6....pretty sure a IPhone 7.
Like who knew that technology could come so far, you use to have to keep loose change on you to make a phone call when you were out, now we can just pull mobile phones out of our pockets.
The only issue with this however....TECHNOLOGY HAS DESTROYED SOCIETY!
Firstly there is no such thing as having a normal discussion cause they are usually on their phones, people take photos of their food for Instagram, we have a song call seriously
People nowadays seem to lack social skills in person because everything is on the internet, if you want to gossip, you have social media, if you are bored you have stimulated games and apps, if you want to communicate with someone, you use messenger or the phone app...WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO NORMAL SOCIAL SKILLS!!!!

I was once at the doctors and I saw these two children playing, not in the little child's corner with the toys or picture books but playing games on their parents phones???what is this madness. Nowadays everyone is starting to use their technology to keep little children occupied on long road trips or doctors appointments...YOU ARE DEPRIVING THEM OF A NORMAL CHILDHOOD!
Playing on technology=simulation of the brain where you are constantly distracted by that game= not learning proper social protocols such as manners or discussion with other children=children not knowing social skills which then ='s to children misbehaving in public such as shopping centres or in their schools and they usually don't do so well because they never had proper social skills.

Round of applause for the parents you had only one job and then you practically blew it the first time you gave your child your phone. Yes I know it's the easier option to do since you don't want to deal with your child when they become impatient or naughty in public but that's what parenting is about;discipline which then helps them when they are ready to enter the real world...fabulous job *sarcastic applause*.

And yes maybe I am toeing the line or taking things out of context, but this is our future we are talking about! We are trying to raise future politicians and prime ministers and whatnot and here we are just destroying their intellect by shoving a piece of technology their way everytime they feel like playing up. Never underestimate how the old fashioned days worked for us because back in my day before the internet was a big thing, we read hardcover picture books, we were never inside, if you needed to contact someone we used either the phone for long distance or we would use something called paper and pen and then send the communication device via the mail. We seriously need to recall how simpler and easier life was when technology was not a big priority in our lives, and no technology is not necessary a bad thing, but some times it becomes quite sad to see kids spending more time with technology then spending their time outdoors where there is a thing called sunshine and being able to interact with other children.

So what do you think about technology? Please leave a comment down below and also vote if you enjoyed this vent. If you want to read more of my works then please press the my icon and follow me to be first for updates and first notifications. I'll see you next blog!

Also I have finally got a blog update schedual sorted out, I will be blogging every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday and there will be first notifications for any changes to the update schedual. I'll leave this on my wall incase and I'll see you Tuesday. I also had a makeover done for my blog book and it's now offically
'The Wattpad Blog', also please check my blog book and my other works and I'll see you soon. :)

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