Blog 43# My Entrapment Story

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G'day guys, how are you? How was your day?


Well that's good, because my day wasn't

Yes I know I am a day late in posting this but I do not care




I was entrapped in a disabled toilet in my school.




And I am not even joking.

Basically let me give you the run down of the events before the...entrapment.

So got to school at 9am ready to start my day, we then had to endure a two hour "back to school assembly" a.k.a "let me sit here for two hours, listen to things that do not concern me and come to terms with the fact I will never get those two hours of my life back" and then we had recess.

11:00am is when this story realllly starts.

So incase you guys haven't put together in all of my past blogs where in some I often mention briefly or in deep context I have a neuromuscular condition in my legs which makes any long distance walking such as school, very hard for me to achieve, so when I am at school I use my wheelchair, which means if I have to go to the bathroom, I gotta use the disabled toilets.

This is where the problem occurred.

You see I never knew but the door of the disabled toilets has two locks on it, one is a key lock, general lock just to keep students who don't need to use it out and I have a copy of the key as well as the school nurse which means everytime I go to the bathroom I have to unlock the door to go in and lock it again after I have gotten out.The second lock we will get to in a moment. Naturally because I always have a friend who comes with me so incase an emergency occurs they can get in the toilet and can get help.

Well my friend waited outside for me, and she waited outside so no one could walk in on me, and a teacher made her go back to class without letting her explain that I was in there, the door was shut and that meant the worst was gonna occur. The second lock, a deadlock activated as soon as the door was completely shut after me when I went in, but neither myself nor my friend knew that there was a deadlock on that door to start with.

I was locked inside a disabled toilet, no way of getting out, the door wouldn't budge from the inside, I didn't have the key, my friend had the key, she also had my phone so I couldn't call or text her to get me out of the toilet.

And then the panic settled in.

Don't you just hate it when you are in what appears to be not even a serious situation, yet your mind plays all these life/death scenarios and makes you freak out that you are not gonna get out alive? I had that happening, I somehow pulled myself together after I thought I was gonna die from either lack of nutrition, water and air or I was gonna die of spontaneous combustion...I was thinking a little dramatically at the time, it was understandable.

So now I had to calm myself down, analyse the situation at hand and pick the most appropriate solution in order to get out of this situation.




I started purposely wheeling my wheelchair into the door which made large banging noises, and screamed at the top of my lungs. For ten minutes.

I have a really bad posture from a weak core and upper trunk in my body, I knew my diaphragm was gonna be slightly if not moderately crushed at the example of my bad posture but not that day, I am amazed I could retain that much oxygen and that much vocal range from a C sharp upwards. I was going at it.

And then after 10 minutes the nurse heard me, ran to the maintenance guys to get a screwdriver to get me out, I got out collapsed in an emotional turmoil that was my life and managed to get back to English with 20 minutes to spare. And I was crying during this experience so you can imagine how I looked when I showed up half an hour late to English with a red nose and red puffy eyes and also on the descendent from her panic attack...not pretty

What is the moral of the story you say? Multiple things:

- If You are the friend that stays outside the bathroom and you get told to go back to class: Say yes, start walking back, wait till the teacher leaves and then go back to your friend in the cubicle.

- If you are the teacher who encounters and tells the friend to go back to class: LISTEN TO HER EXPLANATION!!! SHE MIGHT BE THE BROKEN BRIDGE BETWEEN AN ACCIDENT WAITING TO HAPPEN AND A NORMAL BATHROOM TRIP!

- If you are the one going into the bathroom...make sure you carry your phone at all times and make sure your voice is not dry. You never know when you are gonna have to use your vocal range.

I guarantee you that this experience has not only made me wiser in the art of health and safety but also slightly disappointed at such limited and terrible services there are for the limited in my school and maybe in many other schools!!! Gov's get your crap together and get the system fixed!!!

So if you found this relatable or if you have had a similar experience, leave a comment below I am sure it will stand out from the many who will laugh at the misfortune that is my life, all I wanted to do was go to the bathroom, I didn't sign up for any deadlock drama. In your empathy towards my recount of this tale, leave a vote on this blog post. I will probs publish this on Twitter as well, be sure to check out my other books, blogs an stuff, an follow if you want, it's 10:04pm I am not in any state to be doing the usual blog ending.

Bye guys xxx

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