Blog 42# Love me a metaphor

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G'day Guys Jessi here and today I am gonna talk/refer to one of my favourite parts of the English language.


I love metaphors, I was a weird as a child because I liked them so much and I find them as one of the best ways to describe something when you just can't find the right adjectives.

Like I find it so easy to relate to metaphors and I find ways to come up with new ones all the time, the most recent one I refer to was 'my life is like a soap opera, multiple plotlines that at the end of the day carry the same amount of drama'.

*drops the microphone and walks away*

I am not joking I was able to use this one metaphor as a way to describe my life in a way someone would understand.

Plus there are always the famous metaphors that when people hear might silently cringe or feel empowered by *cough* Forest Gump's Life is like a box of chocolates *cough cough*

This is a list of my top 5 favourite Metaphors

1) 'Life is like a box of never know what you're gonna get'

2) 'Knowledge is the key to success'

3) 'Hope is like a fragile seed'

4) 'Laughter is music of the soul'

5) ' We are like shadows on the wall of time '

...pretty deep I know

Also I find that I relate to metaphors and they affect my life in ways in which mildly concern me at times.

Like before school holidays I lost my friend at our School Athletics Carnival and as you can imagine, trying to get through crowds of kids in a wheelchair is not easy at all. Eventually I did find her and I asked if she was okay...she used a metaphor to answer me. She "Got lost in a sea of nameless faces" and how " she called out my name yet her cries drowned in the sea of voices" It doesn't sound bad but trust me at the time she was going so deep I thought I was gonna have to throw a rope down the ditch to pull her out. Even though it wasn't my problem, I felt that sudden urge of loneliness from her choice of metaphor and I started finding myself go down in a spiral of what inevitably became another existential crisis for me...

...wasn't a great day for me-

But it's okay I am alive now and out of that crisis...for now.

Also I find metaphors often inspirational

I mean take the 'Life is a box of chocolates' metaphor from Forest Gump, it's clearly telling you that you never know what's gonna happen next in your life yet since it's chocolate it's primarily going to be sweet...unless you get one of those trick candies then that's just trolling you. But it's okay because no two chocolates presumably the same in your life supply box, every chocolate is going to be different, each is going to give you a new taste in life and you will evaluate it and realise that it was maybe a good thing that you chose your chocolate now because look at you. Look how much you have evolved as a person.

...and there we go that was me giving a deep analogy of one of my favourite quotes/metaphors from a movie I have seen maybe less than 6 times. And I'm pretty sure I was crying in more than half of the times I have seen the movie.

...deep so, so deep...

So if you liked this metaphorical blog then please leave a vote and comment below what is your favourite metaphor in life is. If you want to read more of my books or want to follow me (which would be awesome sauce for me) then just click on my icon it will take you too my page and then feel free to press that follow button as well as adding any of my books to your reading list. Also if you want to follow me on Twitter just type in @Jessigirl_105 and it will take you to my page and then you can follow me there.

Bye Guys


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