Blog 3# The 32 random question Wattpad Tag

30 2 6

11th of December 2016

G'Day Guys!! How are we on this fine day?...Good?...hopefully good?





Okay let's just get down to defeat the huns!... sorry I'm a Disney fan I had to make that reference




Great job Jessi you are only 48 words in and you are making Disney puns great intro

So anyways the good or bad news first...

Good news...I have a great tag to try out

Bad camera malfunctioned during the vlog so I have no vlog





So anyways I am just gonna do it blog style and hopefully when I get a new camera I can do a vlog and upload the two together so you have both the hard copy and the soft copy with my embarrassing reactions.

So this is the 32 Random Questions YouTube Tag

(Yes I know it is meant for YouTube but you know what yolo I am gonna make this a Wattpad Tag)

So cause I don't have a YouTube account we are gonna change the name of this tag cause yolo, fml and idgaf about what you guys wanna say about it

Welcome to...(pause for effect...) The 32 Random Questions Wattpad Tag

I am going to answer 32 random questions and at the end of this tag I am going to shout out for 2 people to do this tag and hopefully carry it on and on until we get a chain reaction.

I won't lie I haven't seen the questions until now (my friend researched and wrote the questions down on paper and now I have to answer on here) so this could be either really interesting or super embarrassing, if anything embarrassing and awward and the making of alot of readers and people silently judging me for my answers.

Are you ready? I'm not, let's do this




1.) Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?

This is a very hard question as I have sliding doors and for the last 5 weeks they have been sitting half open/shut but I think on a general basis they are closed when I am asleep...I don't know, it's not my last thought at night.

2.) Do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?

I have never stayed in a hotel (take a moment to judge me)

3.) Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?

Tucked out, I'm sorry but when they are tucked in, I feel entrapped in my bed so they have to be un-tucked.

4.) Have you ever stolen a street sign?

No...I'm sorry but isn't that illegal?

5.) Do you cut out coupons and then never use them?

Yes I do it with Hungry Jacks vouchers and it is something I am so guilty for doing.

6.) Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bees?

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