Blog 19# My Nostalgic

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G'day Guys


Okay I will just be the more mature person and apologise for not blogging the last few days. There has been a lot going on atm:

Okay so firstly if you guys know or not know...I have just recently got twitter.


Not gonna lie, I have Facebook...then Wattpad...and now Twitter so hopefully I will be able to tweet parts online or newbies can come join JC's antisocials and we can all just enjoy life together. So yeah, if you want to follow me it's @Jessigirl_105 and even though it's a little sad but I have two followers on twitter Wattpad hopefully this may increase.

Also speaking of Wattpad followers, I have reached 46 followers!! Which sounds sad but it's not considering for a year when I first started I had about 12 followers so I have been very excited about that because to me it means that some people like my books, enjoy my creativity and make me feel less like a lost sock in the dryer looking for his place in life.

Also today was a cleaning out day in our back garage which I have not been able to access for almost three years and we needed to berid of some things that I have kept in my childhood chest which resulted in two things, lots of nostalgia and lots of cringe attacks...because I found some very scary things such as:

-Old diaries: Yes I am one of those girls who kept diaries, I had one when I was 13 and one when I was 16 and it is quite scary and at the same time impressive to see how much of a person I have changed into. I actually own a diary now and looking back I noticed how dramatic I was, for example (and this is actually from one of my old diaries) 'Mum is sooooo unfair, she won't let me stay in the school musical'....great I am cringing again.

-Books: I had so many old books that I read when I was little and even a book or two I wrote in the second grade as part of our 'creative writing experience'...I wrote about an alien called Pongo!!! thanks to that alien that has probably been the roots of my writing skills yay!

-Clothes: OMG I found so many clothes down the back that either I had when I was little or what my siblings kept, and I was so happy because I found a red cheerleader costume that I can wear for my school's swimming and athletics carnival as tradition for Year 12s aka seniors if you are American (they are two separate days for my school) and sense I am in red house I JUST SAVED MONEY!!!

I would continue but I don't want to not cringe anymore about this...least not till all the photo albums come out on my 18th birthday.

Also I have been putting blogging off for a bit because next Thursday I will be back at school, and I haven't done all the homework I have been set (an trust we get a lot), so I have been like trying to juggle the two and at the moment I need to get the homework done. But it will be easier cause I get to school like really really early (like 7:40-45 in the morning even though school doesn't start till 8:40am) so I can spend my mornings working on the blogs, I can do mini vlogs in the morning if there are any questions you guys want to ask and just I want to enjoy spending this year with you guys, because you all have been supportive of this blog.

So I think that's basically everything I needed to cover in the blog today, so if you like this blog please leave a vote on the book and comment below what makes you cringe? I really really want to know. Also if you guys liked this blog and you want to read more of my work or if you want to be the first to receive notifications on Wattpad, then please click on my icon and press the follow button. Let's try to get to 50 Followers! Also you can follow me on Twitter @Jessigirl_105.

Bye <3

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