Chapter 2

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The next day, Grimlock could feel his metal getting hotter by the passing second, "Hey, Bumblebee? Can we find some shade or something? It's getting really hot."

"Sure. I believe there's a watering hole around here somewhere."

"Thank Primus," the Dinobot sighed in relief as he followed Bumblebee to the watering hole. Seeing the watering hole Grimlock broke into a run, jumping into the water creating a large splash. Bumblebee yelped and covered his face as a bunch of water came towards him.

"Man, this feels so much better."

Bumblebee shook the water off, "Enjoying it?"

"Yep. Do you want to come in? There's plenty of room."

"Sure," Bumblebee says as he goes in.

"Feels good, doesn't it?"

"Sure does."

"Why don't we do this more often?"

"If it stays this hot we most likely will."


Bumblebee just smiled as he enjoyed the cool water.

"What do you like most about Earth?" Grimlock asked.

"Oh gee, I don't know where to begin."

"I know you like that Western thing."

"Oh yeah, and poetry, sunrises and sunsets, the countryside, all sorts of things."

"I think I like the ball thing that breaks the older buildings. What's it called again?"

"A wrecking ball?"

"Yeah, that's it."

"Of course." Bumblebee chuckled. 

Grimlock chuckled with a wide grin. "This is nice, two buddies hanging out enjoying the cool water on a hot day," he stated.

"I agree, it is."

Grimlock lowered himself until the water was up to his neck. "We better get going soon, we still need to finish our patrol," Bumblebee tells him.

"Aww, but I wanted to stay a little longer," Grimlock whined.

"I didn't say we had to go now."

"Oh. What was it like during the war?"


"Was it like it was when we were fighting Steeljaw back then?"

"No, a lot worse."



"I'm sorry that stuff happened to you."

"Eh, it's all part of life."

"Guess we all have had something bad happen to us at some point."

"Yep, we all have."

Grimlock stood up and shook off the water as he got out, "Man, that felt good."

Bumblebee walked out as well, "It sure did. Let's continue our patrol now," Bumblebee says as he transforms and drives off. Grimlock put on his disguise and followed after Bumblebee as he sang his Dino-Crane song. They soon finish their patrol and go back to base.

"When can we have a movie night again?" Grimlock asked.

"Soon Grimlock."

"Alright, can't wait. I prefer the kid movies, they're more interesting."

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