Chapter 6

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A few days passed and Gimlock's leg was fully healed. To say he was excited was a bit of an understatement.

"Hey, Grimlock. I see your leg is finally healed. I know you're glad," Bumblebee said to him when he saw him.

"You bet. Has Ripjaw been doing anything while my leg was healing?" The Dinobot asked ready to face the Spinosaurus.

"Not since the Monster Truck Rally."

"We still don't know what he's up to?" Grimlock asked as they headed out for a patrol.

Bumblebee vented out a sigh, "No, afraid we don't."

"I'm sure we'll figure it out, we always do," Grimlock replied trying to lift Bumblebee's spirits.

"Yeah, you're right."

"It's a pretty day."

"Yes, it is," Bumblebee said as he listened to the birds chirping.

"It's hard to believe that we've been here for about seven years now."

"I know."

"Did I ever thank you for giving me a chance?"

"You did once."

"Then I'll say it again. Thanks for giving me a chance."

"No problem, Grimlock," Bumblebee said with a smile. Gimlock's stomach felt like it was doing flips when Bumblebee smiled at him, he hoped he was okay. "Grimlock, have you thought about the kiss we shared?"

"I have."

"I have too."

Gimlock's face felt hot as he thought about the kiss. He looked away hoping Bumblebee wouldn't notice. Bumblebee chuckled, "I saw that blush." With a small whimper, Grimlock covered his face. "Do you want to do it again?" Bumblebee asked starting to blush as well.

"If you want to," Grimlock replied softly as he looked at Bumblebee.

"Do you want to?"


Bumblebee smiled before he leaned in to give him another kiss and Grimlock leaned into the kiss. Their lips met and they kissed again, this time Bumblebee made it a bit more passionate. Grimlock wrapped his arms around Bumblebee, deepening the kiss.

Why am I so into this kiss? I've never been into a kiss like this. Bumblebee wondered to himself.

I really like this. It's even better than the first time. Grimlock thinks to himself.

"Well, isn't this sweet," a voice suddenly came out interrupting their moment. Grimlock broke from the kiss and looked to who had spoken. It was the Raptor.

"Shadowrunner!" Bumblebee exclaims as he gets into a fighting pose.

Grimlock transformed into his beast form and stood in a defensive stance, "What are you doing here?"

"Was just passing by."

"Where's your boss?" Bumblebee asked.

"Off doing something, he doesn't always inform us of what he's doing."

"He's gotta be up to something," Grimlock whispered to Bumblebee.

Bumblebee pulled out his gun, "We're taking you in, 'Con."

"Hmm, I don't think so," Shadowrunner took off running in the other direction. Grimlock chased after him with a roar, not wanting him to get away. Bumblebee ran the other way to try and cut him off. Shadowrunner glanced behind him and chuckled as he made a quick U-turn, running under Grimlock. Grimlock manages to swipe him with his tail as he runs under him. Shadowrunner let out a yelp as he fell to the ground. Bumblebee came running over to them and kicked the 'Con in the side as he pointed his gun at him.

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