Chapter 12

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"Ripjaw! Ripjaw where are you!?"

Patchy had returned already with news on Diamondback, he was looking all over the base for Ripjaw. He didn't have to look for long when Ripjaw charged into the room with a snarling roar. His long jaws opened wide clamping down on the smaller mech's shoulder, tossing him into the wall. As Patchy fell to the ground, Ripjaw stomped on his helm, "You better have a good excuse for interrupting me," the Spinosaurus snarled.

"Sorry, sir, I didn't know you were in the middle of something. I just wanted to let you know Amberblade's suspicions were correct, Diamondback was captured by the Autobots."

"What?" Ripjaw growled softly as he added pressure on Patchy's helm.

"Ahhh! What were you in the middle of that got you this upset about being interrupted?"

"None of your concern," he snarled as he took his foot off the smaller mech. "Go look for some Energon, we're running low. And Patchy..."

"Yes, sir?"

"Interrupt me again and you will lose your arm," Ripjaw threatened as he stomped back to his room.

"Yes, sir. Sorry, sir. Geez, he must have been doing something really enjoyable to be this upset."

Ripjaw slammed his door closed as he transformed back to his bot form. When he looked he saw that Amberblade wasn't in his room. With a frustrated growl, he left to look for her.

Amberblade was in her own room lying on her berth wondering if she made the right decision to leave Ripjaw's room. "I don't recall saying we were done," Ripjaw said in a surprisingly calm tone. He lays beside her slowly taking off his armor.

"I heard you shouting at Patchy and throwing him around so I thought it would be best if I went to my own room and give you some space to cool down."

"And I wanted to pick up where we left off," he told her as he caressed her cheek.

Amberblade looked into his optics for a moment before leaning in to kiss him on the mouth, after realizing what she was doing she pulled back, "Sorry, sir."

Ripjaw looked at her in shock, he could still feel her lips on his. Pulling her closer to him his lips collided with hers roughly. Amberblade's optics went wide for a moment before she closed them enjoying the kiss. Ripjaw licked her lips as he pressed their bodies closer. Amberblade moaned into the kiss as she let her servos roam over his body. Shivering with pleasure, he moaned into the kiss as he grinded his hips against hers.


Patchy had returned with the Energon. As quietly as he could he placed them with the rest, hearing a loud moan he looked at Amberblade's room. Man, why does he get to have all the fun? I bet he has her at his mercy, you go, boss. He thought feeling happy for the scarred Dinobot. That must have been what I interrupted him from earlier and why he was so upset at me and being aggressive. He vented out a sigh. But still, I wish I could have some fun. He thought as he headed to his room.


"Do you think we'll get the rest of Ripjaw's group?" Grimlock asked. It had been a few days since the capture of Diamondback and it had gone quiet again.

"I'm sure we will in time," Bumblebee replied.

"What do you want to do in the meantime?"

"How about a date? I just realized we haven't had one yet."

"Is that like when we hang out but it's more special?"

"Pretty much, yeah."

"Sure. Got any place in mind?"

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