Chapter 5

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Later on that day, Bumblebee decided to go check on Grimlock to see how he was doing and make sure he was staying off the leg like he was ordered to. Grimlock was lying on his berth already fast asleep with a pillow under his sore leg.

Bumblebee knocks on the door, "Grim, can I come in?"

Grimlock slowly sits up before speaking, "Yeah."

Bumblebee walks in, "How are you doing?"

"I'm good, was just taking a nap. I want something to do."

"I know you do, but you have to stay off that leg."

"Is there anything that I can do that is fun but I can still be off my leg?"

"Not that I can think of."

Grimlock made a sound of disappointment as he tried to think, "Oh, you can show me some of those magic tricks."

"OK. What do you want to see?"

"I'm not sure, surprise me," Grimlock replied with an excited grin. Bumblebee comes up with something he could do. Grimlock made a small noise of excitement as he waited. Bumblebee flicked his servo around Grim's helm before pulling a piece of cloth out of his audio, he kept pulling one colorful cloth after another.

Grimlock giggled with delight, "How are you doing that?"

"A magician never reveals his secrets."

"Aww, can you show me another one?"

"Sure," Bumblebee thinks of another trick he could do and he decides to do the coin trick.

"This is so cool. How long did it take for you to learn all of this?"

"A couple of years."

"Cool. Can you teach me?"

"As I said, a magician doesn't reveal their secrets."


"Sorry. Want to see another one?"


Bumblebee brings out a couple of hoops and shows them separately before putting them together, connecting them all of a sudden.

"That is neat and weird."

"I know," he chuckled.

"I need to get some more Energon."

"I'll go get it for you," Bumblebee says as he heads out.

"Thanks, Bumblebee."

He walked out to get some Energon then came back and handed it to Grimlock. Grimlock was about to take a sip when he looked at Bumblebee, "Want to share?"

"No, I'm good," he replied with a smile.

"OK," Grimlock said as he took a sip of his Energon.

"Want to see another trick?"

"Sure. I wish I could do something like that."

Before Bumblebee could do another trick the alarms go off. Grimlock turned his helm in the direction of the alarm, "I wonder what's going on."

"I'm about to find out, you stay here and rest."

"OK. Be careful."

"I will," Bumblebee says as he heads out to the Alchemor to see what's going on, "What's going on, Fixit?" He asked the Mini-Con.

"It's Ripjaw again. And he's at this thing called, a Monster Truck Rally?" Fixit explained in confusion as he looked up the term.

"A Monster Truck Rally? There will be hundreds of humans there, that's a big event!" Bumblebee stated.

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