Chapter 29

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Soundwave lifted his visor a little as he took a sip from his Energon, taking a small break from searching, he didn't think it was going to be this hard looking for the Dinobots a place to stay. He was keeping an optic on them while Laserbeak kept searching.

The rest of the bots, with the exception of Grimlock and Metalsound, had gathered together to discuss what to do with the Dinobots, "Where is Soundwave?" Bumblebee asked Razorclaw.

"He's watching Ripjaw and Amberblade. He thought it would be a good idea for one of us to keep an eye on them while the rest of us talked about what we should do with them," Razorclaw replied.

"Ok. So what are we gonna do with them?"

"Searching for a safe place for them to stay seems like a good idea," Razorclaw put in.

"But can we trust them to stay away from humans and not cause any trouble?"

Strongarm, do you remember the island I took you to when we had our anniversary? Steeljaw asked suddenly thinking of an idea.

Strongarm giggled through the bond. How can I forget?

I was thinking since it's far from the humans, maybe the Dinobots could stay there. If it's alright with you.

Sounds good to me.

Steeljaw wrapped his tail around her waist as he spoke up, "May I make a suggestion?"

"Yes, Steeljaw."

"Strongarm and I were thinking that they could stay on the island where we had our anniversary. It's far from the humans and there's plenty of space for them."

"And I highly doubt they will cause any trouble, they seem to just want to be together," Strongarm adds, "I mean, they haven't really been causing any trouble except fighting us when we tried to lock them up."

"They do have a point," Razorclaw said.

"That they do," Bumblebee said after thinking on it.

"Plus, they haven't been seen by any humans either, they've been really careful," Razorclaw added.

"That's true. So, shall we let them stay on the island under supervision?"

"But who should watch them?" Drift asked. Everyone looks at Drift and smiles.

"Why is everyone looking at you master?" Slipstream asked in confusion.

"Because they expect me to do it," Drift replied with annoyance as a big frown appeared on his face.

Everyone did their best to hold back their laughter, "Does that mean we will be coming with you?" Jetstorm asked.

"Better not, don't need the two seeing or hearing something they don't need to see or hear," Bumblebee replied.

"What do you mean?" The twins asked in confusion.

"No questions!" Drift snapped at them.

"Yes master," the twins flinched.

"So what am I to do when they... you know? Am I to watch?"

"I'm sure that won't be necessary, Drift," Bumblebee replied.

"Not to mention it would be creepy if he did watch," Sideswipe muttered to himself.

"Would be disgusting," Drift stated before he shivered with disgust.

"Best have something to cover your audios, they can get loud," Wheeljack smirked. Drift rolled his optics.

"Can't I just come back here whenever they're going to and return when they're finished?"

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