Chapter 27

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She closed her spark chamber, "So, what is it?"

"You're sparked," Knockout replied.

The two looked at him in shock, "What?"

"I'm sparked?" Amberblade asked with a squeak.

"Yes, you are," Knockout chuckled.

Amberblade and Ripjaw looked at each other unsure of what to do, "I think Ripjaw is in more shock than Amberblade," Razorclaw whispered to the medic.

Knockout chuckled, "Would appear so. So, what are you two gonna do?"

Amberblade snapped out of her shocked state and looks over at Ripjaw. What are we gonna do? Can we take care of a sparkling while we're on the run?

I don't know. I mean it's gonna be tough but I really want to keep it. We made it after all.

I agree. But being on the run isn't the life I want to give our sparkling.

So you don't want to keep it?

I don't know. She replied as she brought a servo to her chest.

"Knockout, I think we should leave and let them talk about this," Razorclaw told the medic, feeling the femme's fear.

"Yes, we should. If you need anything you know where to find me. But I will come every so often to check up on you."

"Wait," Amberblade called to the medic, "What if we told the other Autobots about what is going on? Would they leave us alone?"

"Not sure. I honestly doubt it to be truthful, they're really set on locking you two up."

"I'll turn myself in. We can barely get enough Energon for the two of us we won't be able to get enough Energon for the sparkling as well."

"No! We can think of something," she replied softly as she wrapped her arms around him.

I'll give up my share of Energon so you and the sparkling will have enough. Ripjaw tells her, he has to do whatever he can to help them survive. Ripjaw looked at the two, "Can you two leave us?"

Unknown to the two Razorclaw could feel the hurt in Ripjaw, "Sure," he nodded as he and Knockout left. Soundwave, I know I'm asking a lot but I need your help.

What is it?

I want to find them a place where they won't be bothered, and so they won't have to worry about the limited amount of Energon.

I'll take a look and see what I find.

I'm sorry for asking this of you when you have enough to do.

No worries, anything for you.

I'll make it up to you, I promise.

You better. Soundwave said teasingly.

After the two left Ripjaw turned to look at Amberblade. He caressed her cheek as he felt his spark getting heavy, "I love you so much. Take good care of our sparkling," he told her before transforming into his Dino mode and running out.

Amberblade looked at him as he ran off, after a moment she figured out what he was doing, "Ripjaw, wait!" She shouted as she transformed and chased after him, "Please don't do this!!"

"Go back to the cave, Amberblade, you need to rest!"

Running as fast as she could she got in front of him to stop him, "I'm not gonna let you turn yourself in! I can't raise the sparkling by myself!"

"But how are we gonna take care of it when we can barely get enough Energon for the two of us?"

"You don't have to worry about that anymore," a voice replied from behind a tree.

Ripjaw got into a fighting stance as he looked in the direction the voice was coming from, "Who's there?"

Sideswipe came out from the shadows and activated his Decepticon hunter, "You two are going down."

Amberblade let out a growl as she went into a defensive stance when she saw the Autobot. Ripjaw growled as well, "Only take me Autobot leave Amberblade."

"Ripjaw, don't," she looked to him with pleading optics.

"Let Amberblade go and you can have me."

"Ripjaw, I'm going with you, and do not argue with me on this."

The two soon saw the rest of the Autobots coming out. All the Autobots came out and surrounded the two, giving them no space to escape.

We're in this together. Amberblade told Ripjaw as they watched the Autobots surrounding them.

"We're taking you both in," Bumblebee stated as he pointed his gun at them.

Before either one of them could say anything, Soundwave stood in front of the two Dinobots Followed by Razorclaw, "Wait, Bumblebee."

"Out of the way you two," Bumblebee ordered.

"Hear us out first."

"Why should we?" Sideswipe asked, "We've been tracking those two for months and they have injured a number of us."

"Quiet Sideswipe, let's hear what they have to say," Bumblebee says as he looks at Razorclaw and Soundwave.

"These two love each other, they mated and Amberblade is sparked. Do you really want to lock away a sparked femme? I know they did some bad stuff, especially him, but they are a couple that just wants to be together. How would you feel if a bot tried to tear you apart from Grimlock?" He then looked at Steeljaw and Strongarm, "How would you feel if you were being kept from each other and couldn't be together?"

"We've already been through that and Steeljaw almost ripped a bot in half," Strongarm spoke up.

"All they want is to be together and left alone. Can't we do something for them?"

"All Cybertronians have the will to change," Optimus spoke, "Megatron changed, as did other Decepticons. We now have Megatron, Soundwave, Steeljaw, Thunderhoof, Razorclaw, Shockwave, and others who used to be Decepticons on our team after they changed. So I see no reason why we can't help them do the same."

Ripjaw and Amberblade listened to Optimus speak in amazement. They now understand why he's Prime and why so many followed him during the war.

Bumblebee vented out a sigh, "I agree with Optimus. Plus, we can't put a sparked femme in stasis. For now, I guess we can just put them in the barracks until we can figure something out."

"Thank you, Bumblebee."

"But you and Soundwave will look after them," Bumblebee told Razorclaw as he headed back to the scrapyard to be with Grimlock.

"I will."

Slowly the others started to head back as well. Soundwave intertwined one of his appendages with Razorclaw's tail. You did good.

Thanks, Soundwave.

You're welcome. I will keep looking for a place for them.

"Come on you two, I'll show you to the barracks."

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