Chapter 21

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Opening his optics Ripjaw looked down at Amberblade with a smile. She looks so peaceful, he thought before he felt his spike hardening, "This is going to be a long week," he muttered.

Amberblade woke up with a startle, "We need to move."

"Why what's wrong?"

"I got this sense that the Autobots are closing in, we need to go," she replied as she got off him and put her armor back on.

With a soft growl, Ripjaw put his armor back on as well, "Are you ok? I really fragged the scrap out of you last night."

"I'm fine."

With a silent sigh, he headed deeper into the cave with Amberblade.


"Are you following their scent, Grim? Are we almost to where they are?" Sideswipe asked feeling annoyed with all the walking and searching.

Grimlock rolled his optics at Sideswipe's impatience, "Yes, I'm following their scent and no we're not there yet," he snapped as he followed the sweet scent. It was bugging him that he couldn't find it but he knew it was in the same direction as where Amberblade's and Ripjaw's scent were. Sideswipe groaned then jumped up into one of the trees and started jumping through like he usually does.

"Are you ok Grimlock?" Wheeljack asked, he knew that Sideswipe could get annoying at times but it wasn't like Grimlock to snap at anyone.

"Yeah, I'm alright."

"You're sure? I've never heard you snap like that before."

"I'm just agitated that we can't get these two."

"We will, we just need to keep looking," Arcee assured as they started walking past the cave that Ripjaw and Amberblade were in.


Amberblade had stopped and sniffed, "I can smell them."

"Do you know how close they are?" Ripjaw stopped beside her wondering if he should transform or not.

"They walked by."

Ripjaw let out a sigh of relief, "We should keep going just in case."

"I agree."

They headed deeper into the cave. Ripjaw hoped that they would be able to have another good frag, "You'll have to wait, Ripjaw, until we're in the clear of Autobots," Amberblade stated after sensing his desire.

"I know but it's hard to ignore when my spike is pressing against my panel."

"I know it is."

"Out of curiosity, when was your last heat cycle?"

"Not long before we were locked up."

"I see, I bet it drives you wild," he grinned as they entered a large cavern.

"Not really, I learned how to control it."

Ripjaw chuckled, "Perhaps you can teach me sometime."


"Are they still following us?" He asked as he looked behind him.

She looked back and sniffed out the air, "No, they moved on."

He pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her, "Good," he purred as he took her lips in a rough yet passionate kiss. She moaned softly as she kissed him back. His servos traveled down towards her aft as he rubbed his panel against hers. She moaned as her servos glided over his upper arms. Breaking from the kiss he nuzzled her neck before caressing it with his tongue.

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