Chapter 16

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Amberblade winced as she worked on stopping the Energon from leaking. It didn't help that her vision was blurred from her trying not to cry. Amberblade went to go to her room to lie down, she saw Ripjaw coming back in and noticed Bumblebee was gone, "What did you do with the Autobot?"

"Put him somewhere far from here."

"Ok..." She went to her room and closed the door but Ripjaw quickly stopped the door from closing and went in. Amberblade looked at him in surprise, "What do you want?"

"To talk," he whispered as he gently caressed her wounded cheek, "And to make you feel better."

She flinched before moving away from his claws. Ripjaw sighed, "You never moved away before."

"That's because I didn't feel so threatened by you. I thought we were past the point of you hitting me and beating me up, but I now see I was wrong. I did what I did because I was trying to impress you, I was trying to show you I can do something besides just pleasuring you all the time, and I get rewarded with a slap to the face."

Ripjaw listened in silence, he wasn't used to this sort of thing, "I'm not good at controlling my anger," he told her softly as he lightly rubbed her cheek, "It often happened to me, I would do something that I thought would make them happy or impressed... and all I got was their anger and a punch to the face. I know how it feels and I'm," he stopped as he tried to say what he needed and wanted to say. 

Amberblade didn't pull away this time and looked at him, waiting for him to finish. He struggled to say that one word. Why is this so hard?! He gritted his teeth in anger as he tried to say it. Amberblade heard him growling in anger and moved away from him, afraid that he was going to hit her again, "No, I'm not mad at you," he explained quickly.

"Apology accepted," she says as she lays down on her berth. Slowly, Ripjaw crawled into the berth with her, "I'm really not in the mood today."

"I may not be able to say what I need to but... let me show you," he whispered as he gently kissed her down her neck, "Please."

Amberblade moaned as she felt her body overheat from the pleasure, "Your body is so warm," he crooned as his servos roamed over her body.

"Of course, my body always overheats when you're touching me like this."

With a soft chuckle, he traveled down, slowly making his way toward her chest, "It's your turn to be pleasured. Today, it'll all be for you," he promised as he slowly trailed kisses down her body. Amberblade couldn't say anything as she fell into the blissfulness of his caresses.


Grimlock searched all over for Bumblebee, he wasn't answering his comlink. Come on Bumblebee, where are you? He transformed and sniffed the air hoping he would find the lieutenant. His helm quickly turned in the direction where Bumblebee's scent was the strongest and ran in that direction. 

He soon finds Bumblebee on the ground near a big boulder out cold and beaten up, "Bumblebee!" Grimlock called out as he ran up to him. Gently picking up the smaller mech he called Soundwave for a Ground Bridge. A Ground Bridge opened up and Grimlock ran through, carrying the unconscious Bumblebee. Grimlock quickly made his way to med-bay, "Fixit!"

"Solus-Primes! What captain, flappin', happened to Bumblebee!?" Fixit asked as he rolled up to them.

"I don't know, we were on patrol and we decided to split up. He said to meet him in thirty minutes but when the time was up I went back but he wasn't there. By the time I found him he was like this," the Dinobot explained in a panic. Gently placing Bumblebee on the berth Grimlock stood back to let Fixit do his work, "Will he be ok?"

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