Chapter 3

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Grimlock stayed where he was for the rest of the afternoon trying to think of who he could ask. Bumblebee comes looking for him and finds him there, "Grimlock, I've been looking all over for you. Have you been here all afternoon?"

"Yeah, sorry. Did you need something?" Grimlock asked as he transformed back into his bot form.

"No, was just wondering where you were because you were absent all afternoon, just wanted to make sure nothing happened to you."

"I'm okay, thanks for coming to check on me."

"No problem."

"Can I ask you something, 'Bee?" He asked as he followed Bumblebee to the scrapyard.

"Sure, Grim. What is it?"

"Um, have you...?" He felt his cheekplates heat up as he tried to ask his question, "Uh, I mean..."

"What is it, Grim? Just ask."

"Have you ever kissed anyone before?" He asked quickly.

"Wow, that's random. Um, I have a couple of times. Why?"

"Sorry, I was just wondering what it would be like to kiss someone. I've never kissed anyone before," he explained quietly with a blush.

"You haven't?"

"No," he mumbled.

"Do you want to try it?"

"Yeah," he mumbled just as quietly.

"Alright, you can try it with me."

"Y-you're sure?"

"Yeah," Bumblebee replied with a smile.

"O-okay," Grimlock smiled nervously. Bumblebee walks over to him and pulls him down to kiss him. Grimlock bent down to Bumblebee's level and started slowly closing the gap between them. Bumblebee brings their lips together and Grimlock's optics widen for a moment before they slowly close as he starts getting into the kiss. Bumblebee kissed him passionately to show him what it was like. Grimlock carefully placed his servos on Bumblebee's shoulders and slowly kissed the smaller mech back.

After about a minute, Bumblebee pulls back and looks at him, "How was that?"

Grimlock made a small squeak when he felt his face get warm, "I-it was nice," he replied quietly still feeling a little flustered.

Bumblebee smiled at him, "Good."

"I, uh, think we should head back, the others may be looking for us," Grimlock spoke quietly as he headed back to the scrapyard.

"I agree," Bumblebee said as he followed Grimlock. I rather enjoyed that kiss.

Grimlock kept quiet the whole way back, still thinking about the kiss. The sun had already been replaced by the moon when they got back. The others had already gotten ready for bed, "I guess I'll see you tomorrow, 'Bee," Grimlock said as he came to a slow stop.

"Yep, see you tomorrow, Grim."

"Good night," Grimlock replied before heading towards his quarters.

"Good night," Bumblebee said before heading to his own quarters.

Grimlock lays in his berth thinking about the kiss, he really liked it. But was it okay to do that? Bumblebee was their leader and a mech. But Optimus and Megatron were together so it should be okay, right? With a sigh, Grimlock held his pillow close to his chest. He could still feel Bumblebee's lips on his, and he smelled really nice. He felt his spark pulsing faster than usual. Why was it doing that? "I'll ask Fixit about it in the morning," he mumbled tiredly to himself as he slowly drifted into recharge.

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