Chapter 28

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Ripjaw and Amberblade followed after the two mechs. I guess that's his mate. Amberblade spoke up.

Looks like it.

I'm really sorry, Ripjaw. Will we be ok?

I'm sure we will be.

"Here we are," Razorclaw pulled them out of their conversation. Amberblade looked around, it was surprisingly roomy in the ship's barracks.

"You two need any Energon?"

Amberblade looked to Ripjaw suddenly feeling uncertain, "Yes, we could use some," Ripjaw replied.

I'm sorry, this feels weird.

"I'll be right back with some. Soundwave will stay here in case you need anything," Razorclaw smiled as he headed off to get some Energon for the two.

"Alright." I know it is, it's weird for me too.

I can't tell if he's staring at me or if he's looking at something. She moved closer to him not wanting to be near the silent mech. Soundwave felt them looking at him, turning his helm a little a smiley face appeared on his visor.

Don't worry I won't let him do anything to you.

"Ok, here you go. I hope I didn't keep you two waiting," Razorclaw spoke as he came back with the Energon.

"Not at all," Ripjaw said as he took the Energon from him.

"Thank you," Amberblade said as she took the cube.

"You're welcome," Razorclaw said as the two started drinking their Energon.

I think they're cautious of me. Soundwave said.

Probably is.

I don't blame them, the last time we met was on the battlefield.

Yeah, and you were trying to take them down and arrest them.

True. They seem to trust you a little more.


"So how did you two meet?" Amberblade asked once she was finished with her Energon.

"Um..." Razorclaw said as he started blushing.

"Cute, you made him blush," Ripjaw chuckled.

"He was arrested for something and was held in the barracks instead of being put in a pod, I was guarding over him and we got closer."

Ripjaw and Amberblade looked at Soundwave, they didn't expect him to even say anything, "So, what did you do?" Amberblade asked the Wolf-Con.

"My brother and I used to go around raping femmes. We tried to rape Metalsound, Thunderhoof's mate, but she got into it and ended up consenting to it instead. That's why they put me in the barracks instead. My brother on the other hand was put in a pod because he was more dangerous."

"Oh," Amberblade moved closer to Ripjaw.

"Don't worry I don't do that anymore."

"You did ask what he did," Ripjaw whispered.

"I know but I wasn't expecting something like that."

"Can I get you anything else?" Razorclaw asked feeling a bit uneasy.

"No, we're good. Thank you for all you've done," Ripjaw replied.

"You're welcome."


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