Chapter 11

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"Hey, Grimlock. How was patrol?" Bumblebee greeted the Dinobot.

"Hey, went well."

"You didn't have any problems? Didn't run into any Decepticons?"

"Uh, no I didn't run into any Decepticons and you know I always tell the truth."

"Okay? Why don't you go get some Energon? I'm going on a patrol with Optimus and Ultra Magnus, I'll see you later."

"OK, 'Bee," Grimlock said giving him the most convincing smile he could.

Bumblebee headed off to Magnus and Optimus. That was a little odd.

Grimlock headed over to get some Energon. That was a close one. But why did I lie? Grimlock thought as he drank his Energon.

Later that night, Grimlock stayed up thinking about Diamondback's offer. Should I take it or not? Throwing off his blanket, Grimlock let out a growl of frustration. Why was this so hard? It had been a long time since he had gotten to smash something. But how will Bumblebee take it if I go with them? I don't want to leave him and I really enjoy our time together. He lays there thinking things over until he falls into recharge.

The next morning, Grimlock woke up with a possessor ache, "This is what I get for thinking too much," he says as he gets up and heads out to get some Energon.

"Eyo, Grimlock, did you have a hard time sleeping last night?" Thunderhoof asked as he picked up a cube.

"No, why?"

"You look really tired like you haven't gotten much sleep."


"You okay?"

"Yeah, was just thinking about a few things."

"Want to talk about it?"

"Not really."

"If you change your mind just let me know," Thunderhoof said as he headed back to meet with Metalsound.

"I will. Oh man, what am I going to do?" Grimlock asked himself quietly.

"Do about what?" A familiar voice came out in question. Grimlock let out a small scream as he turned to the voice. Bumblebee was standing right behind him, "What are you gonna do about what, Grim?"

"I think I just had a sparkattack," Grimlock gasped.

"What, from me speaking up?"

"I didn't hear you coming up."

"Sorry, Grim."

"Did you need something?"

"Was just wondering what was going on."

"I'm fine, just had a little trouble sleeping last night."

"How come?"

"I had a bad dream. By the time I woke up, I forgot what the dream was but I was too scared to go back to sleep."

"Oh. Is something bothering you?"

"I met one of Ripjaw's comrades yesterday and he said that Ripjaw wanted me to join his group. He asked me if I liked smashing stuff and I said yes so he told me that if I joined Ripjaw then I could smash stuff whenever I wanted. I'm really sorry I lied to you yesterday, and no I'm not going to join Ripjaw. I love you and the others too much." Grimlock closed his optics as he vented out a sigh of relief. I feel better.

Bumblebee just looked at him with wide optics, "I see..."

"I don't know why I lied but I'm really sorry," Grimlock spoke softly as he looked at Bumblebee with sad optics.

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