Chapter 23

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"You're really starting to annoy me. I hope you brought plenty of backup because Ripjaw doesn't like it when someone bothers him when we're having fun. It'll be even worse now that he's in heat," she grinned.

"That's why we waited until you were done," Razorclaw growled.

"He's still going to be really upset," she hissed softly as she charged after Arcee.

Arcee jumps up and flips over her to avoid her, "It doesn't matter, we're still taking you two down," she said after she landed.

"Why can't you just leave us alone?!"

"Because you're both criminals and we need to take you both in, can't risk you two endangering the humans."

"We haven't done anything wrong," she growled as she charged again. Both Arcee and Razorclaw jumped on her trying to take her down. Amberblade let out a snarl as she bit into Arcee's side. It'll take more than that to take me down. She thought as she threw Arcee into Razorclaw.

Are you doing alright babe? Ripjaw asked with concern for his mate.

I'm ok. Are you going alright?

I'm fighting off at least five but I think I'm doing pretty good.

Knock'em dead babe. She chuckled.

You too.

Don't worry I will.

Ripjaw swings his tail at Bumblebee and Wheeljack while trying to avoid an attack from Sideswipe and Grimlock as he takes Soundwave's tentacles in his mouth and slings him. Soundwave opened a Ground Bridge behind him, disappearing for a moment before reappearing behind Ripjaw, slamming into him.

Ripjaw looked back at him in surprise, "How did you do that?"

Soundwave smirked behind his visor as an "X" appeared on his screen. Ripjaw picked up Sideswipe in his mouth and threw him at Soundwave. Soundwave repeated the same technique as he had done with himself. Sideswipe ended up slamming into Ripjaw.


"You ok, Sideswipe?" Bumblebee asked as he glared at Soundwave.

"Yeah," Sideswipe replied as he got up.

"Cocky glitch," Ripjaw roared as he opened his mouth. Soundwave and the others watch in confusion as his mouth started to glow.

"Um, can Dinobots breathe fire?" Bumblebee asked.

"Some can," Grimlock replied with a small squeak.

"Everybody take cover!" Bumblebee shouts as he throws himself down onto the floor. The others either hid behind crates or got to the floor as Ripjaw exhaled, his fire took up a majority of the room. He then turned around swinging his fire in their direction.

"What do we do now?" Sideswipe yelled over the roaring flames.

"Give me a minute to think of something!"

"Give up yet punks?!"

"Never! And who are you calling punk!?" Sideswipe yelled back in response. Ripjaw slammed his tail into some crates, hurtling them toward the Autobots. The ones hiding behind them got caught off guard and were hit.

Ripjaw smirked as he pinned Wheeljack down, "Any last words Autobot?" He growled as he opened his mouth, ready to release his flames again.

"Wheeljack!" Bumblebee yells, concerned for his teammate and old friend.

Before Ripjaw could attack Grimlock slammed into the larger Dinobot's side. With an enraged growl Ripjaw exhaled, his flames licked at the side of Grimlock's face making him roar in pain. Ripjaw then hit him with his tail knocking him into a wall. Grimlock grunted when he hit the wall, slowly getting back up he growled at Ripjaw. Ripjaw went for his leg, clamping his jaw down on it. 

With a growl, Grimlock opened his mouth and clamped down on Ripjaw's neck. That just made Ripjaw bite down even harder getting ready to dismember his leg. Grunting from the pain Grimlock refused to let go, biting harder on his neck. With a snarl Ripjaw bit right through Grimlock's armor puncturing his wires. Unable to take the pain anymore Grimlock yelled as the pain intensified. Ripjaw threw him over towards the others making them clash. The four mechs grunted from the impact as they all crashed into several crates. Ripjaw shot out another fireball at them determined to take them out.

Soundwave quickly opened a Ground Bridge as the flames grew closer, closing it once it had gone through. He opened it again just behind Ripjaw and the fire collided with the larger mech. With a growl he got up and charged Soundwave, he took him into his jaws and thrashed him around like a chew toy before throwing him into the crates. 

But before he could be thrown Soundwave's appendages slithered out from his body and sent electric shocks into the mech's jaws. Soundwave fell to the ground with a thud. Razorclaw let out a silent gasp as his optics widened with fear and worry, "Soundwave," he whispered.

"We need to pull back," Bumblebee stated as worry for his team overtook him, "Soundwave, can you open up a Ground Bridge?"  With a small nod, Soundwave opened a Ground Bridge for them, "Everybody, move out! Arcee, Razorclaw come on!" Bumblebee exclaimed.

Arcee and Razorclaw transformed and raced away from Amberblade who stared in confusion. They all went through the Ground Bridge back to the scrapyard.

Amberblade watched them leave before collapsing onto the floor. Ripjaw quickly went over to his mate. Are you ok babe?

Just tired and a little scratched up. You?

I'm alright, nothing I can't handle.

Amberblade transformed, "I better go clean up these cuts and wounds."

Carefully laying on the ground Ripjaw was soon in deep thought. He wasn't going to be able to move any time soon, and the Autobots now know where they are.

Amberblade heads over to the nearby river, glad that no one was around to see her out of her armor. She cleaned up and then went back, she brings out a med kit that she always carries with her and starts bandaging up her wounds. She then goes over to Ripjaw.

Ripjaw let out a sigh as he closed his optics slowly slipping into recharge as she tended to his wounds, "That Dinobot got you good," Amberblade mentioned.

"Not as good as I got him," he mumbled tiredly.

"Well, you better tell me all about it when you wake up."

"I will," he replied softly before he fell into recharge. Once she was done dressing up his wounds she laid down and fell into recharge.

The GrimBee StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz