Chapter 25

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Resting his helm on her shoulder he let his systems cool down, he wasn't fully satisfied but it would have to do for the moment.

"You good for now?"

"Yes," he replied as he looked at her with a smile.

"Alright, let's get our armor back on and head out then."


The two put their armor back on and headed off to find a new safe place, "When we find our new place we can frag all day and night if you want to."

"I would like that, as long as you're up for it."

"I'm sure I'll be up for it."

With a soft chuckle, he nuzzled her neck in a loving manner. Amberblade giggled, "I love you, Ripjaw."

"I love you more."

"Do you now?"

"Yes," he grinned as he sent her a wave of love. She smiled as she sent a wave of love back. The two kept walking until they found a cave, "It may not look like much but it should be alright. What do you think Amberblade?"

"It'll do."

"Are you ready," he asked seductively as he caressed her neck with his tongue.

"You're ready to go already?"

"When I'm in heat I'm always ready," he whispered into her audio receptor.

"I can tell," she giggled.


A few days passed and the air was starting to turn cold much to Amberblade's discomfort. Luckily she and Ripjaw had a way to stay warm. Now that his heat cycle was over they had been focusing on finding Energon, "I'm gonna go look for some Energon," she said as she headed out.

"Do you want me to go with you?" Ripjaw asked as he placed some branches on the stone floor.

"No, I'll be good. Just get the place warmed up."

"You know I will. But don't go too far, there's no telling if the Autobots are this far out. If you run into one let me know," he told her as he pulled her into a hug.

"I will," Amberblade said as she hugged him back. Slowly letting her go he headed back to the woods to gather more branches. Amberblade transformed and headed out to look for some Energon.

Razorclaw knelt down on the ground, examining it, he vented out a sigh when he couldn't find anything, "I guess Ripjaw's heat cycle is over. Which is a good and bad thing," he muttered to himself as he headed deeper into the woods.

Amberblade was walking along when she suddenly heard some movement, she went to hide behind some bushes and waited for whatever it was to pass by.

Razorclaw stopped near where Amberblade was hiding, sniffing the air again he couldn't find any other scents. However he was feeling cautious, and scared? He gently pushed the emotions that weren't his away. Amberblade jumped out and pounced on him. Falling to the ground with a thud he looked up at the femme, "I had a feeling you were out here somewhere," he spoke calmly.


"I could just tell," he replied not wanting her to know his ability.

"Right," she said as she looked at him suspiciously.

"Could you get off me please?"

She growled as she got off him. He sat up slowly not wanting to make her feel threatened, "Thank you."

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