An akward morning

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(([insert sinner face]))

Inks P.O.V
I woke up in my bed, an arm wrapped around my side.

'Who's arm is that!!?' I worried that it might be someone other than my glitchy boyfriend. I turn around so I was facing the owner of the arm, I let out a relieved sigh seeing the it was Error.

'Thank god' I mentally sigh as I snuggle up to his chest. After a bit of snuggling his bare chest I wondered why we had no     Clothes on. Then it hit me.
'We had sex didn't we.....' I thought to my self. I blushed as the memories came flooding back. I felt a slight shifting in the bed and looked up to a now waking Error. He looked down at me and smirked. I blushed hard knowing he knew what we did last night.

"Heya cutie~" he said teasingly I blushed hard and hid my face in his chest. He chuckled to my reaction and pulled me closer to him. After a bit we got up for some food. I went to the kitchen to make us something. I saw a note on the counter.
I went out for a bit call if you need anything!

I read. I shrugged and went to cooking something, I made pancakes and brought them to the table as me and error sat down to eat. After  we ate I plopped down in the couch with a sigh Error sat next to me putting an arm around me and turning on the tv. I blushed when he put his arm around me still thinking about last night. I couldn't stop thinking about it. His arms around my waist, his soft light kisses on my neck, the way he touched me....I just couldn't get over it. His hand gliding along my spin and my- I was cut off from my daydreams and dirty fanatics by a small tap on the shoulder. Error was looking at me worry in his expression.

"You ok? Ya spaced out there"he said his worry dyeing down.

" y-ya....just thinking" I sighed and snuggled even more in errors chest. It was November and pretty cold. I started shivering in his arms he noticed this and quickly grabbed the blanket on the chair with his strings wrapping it around us. Within seconds I snuggled into the blanket, after a bit my shivers stopped and we continued to flip through the channels on the tv. We found a romantic movie and decided to watch that. By the end we had zero clue what happened but all in all it was a pretty good movie. Error slowly pulled me into a kiss. I kissed back wrapping my arms around his neck with his around my waist. He licked my teeth asking for an entrance, I gladly expected all 9 of his tongues in my mouth. This turned into a heated make out session. Error started to trace my every curve with his hands until, finally, we had to pull away for so air. I sighed as I leaned back into his shoulder, he put an a m around me.

"I love ya Kiki" he said. I blushed at the nickname and replied with my own. " I love you too ruru" I smirked and he kissed the top of my skull.

Sorry for slow updates guys and gals but I'm hoping to get le Christmas special up next chap! So stay tuned for the


~Ink x Error~ Unbreakable Bond  ~High School Love~ {Book 1}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora