Error's back story

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((heya guys I hope you've all enjoyed this book so far, I've put my heart and soul into it and just to see those numbers on the reads rise, is just insane! so I thank you all sooooooooo much! so Ink and Error now have wings and are immortal but here's the catch; they can't get rid of there wings unless they take off their amulets, but if they do that they lose immortality. (Ink would also lose his brush, Error's had his strings so that won't be affected) so ya that's all I have to say about that, but they do find away to control their wings in this chapter sooo ya, anyways enjoy my DragonRiders!~)

Error's P.O.V

I was walking down stairs to eat something before I went to school, as I turned to walk into the kitchen I hit my wing on the door frame.

"ow!" I hissed at myself, god this was gonna be annoying. I brushed it off and continued my way to the kitchen. once I got there I put in a piece of toast in the toaster and waited, as I did, I texted Ink.

E- Heya babe <3

I- Hiya! <3

E- how's it goin'?

I- good! I love the wings, how's about you?

E- meehhhh, they get in the way -_-

I- hehehe

I- I've gotta go, see ya at school Ruru <3

E- Alright, love you Kiki <3

I- love you too <3

I put my phone away when my toast popped up, I took it out and put butter and jam on it. I ate the warm sweet toast and packed my bag waking out the door with my sister close to me, I had an arm around her as we walked onto the bus. as I walked I got bum barred with questions. I chuckled and answered them, everyone talking at once.

Once we got to school I was invaded with even more questions. I saw Ink by the old oak tree on he field and fled from the growing crowd. I spread my wings wide my feathers rustled in the wind. I breathed in and took off into a flight, everyone staring in awe. I smiled and flew higher and higher. I saw Ink had looked up as I calmly approached him, he smiled and stood up putting his sketch book to the side. I landed softly on the grass, my cloak blew in the wind as Ink walked towards me and I pulled him into a hug. he pulled away after a while and wrapped his arms around my neck, kissing me. I kissed back and rested my hands on his hips as he brought one of his legs up, his heel to the start of his pelvis. we pulled away and I smiled brightly, he smiled back.

"I missed you my angel" I said softly in his ear, he blushed and said "I missed you too!" he chirped my smile grew wider, he gave me a quick peck on the cheek and giggled. he started to walk back to the tree, I followed but I climbed up the tree, he looked up at me and smiled as he started to climb the tree. I stopped when I was at the top branch. he made it up with his sketch pad and sat next to me. he sighed as did I.

"Error?" he said after a while, I turned to him.

"yes sweet heart?" I replied. he looked at me with a sad but curious look.

"when you umm, came back right? Chroma said "I thought I lost another brother" what did she mean by that? did you have another brother?" he asked, I stayed silent. I felt a lump grow in my throat. worry fear and sadness washed over me as I remembered my last few moment with my big brother. I sighed before answering.

"y-yes, I had an older brother...sadly, he passed away..." my voice was shaky, I felt my eyes tear up.

"o-oh my! I'm so sorry Error" Ink said, i could tell he was sorry for me. he hugged me and curled up to my side, I stopped myself from crying. I dried the tears.

~Ink x Error~ Unbreakable Bond  ~High School Love~ {Book 1}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat