I Can't Lose You...

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((heya guys, so I have no words for this chapter other then it will be SAD!! so get some tissue to dry you tears and Ice cream to eat away your life!))

Third Person P.O.V

Inc had an evil grin plastered on his face, a grin of pure evil. Nightmare gulped before speaking up "your welcome, and I assume your going to repay us?" nightmare said hesitantly. Inc smirked and chuckled darkly.

"hehehe~ Not in the slightest~ you have no clue what power you've just released~" he said rather bold and darkly. He held out his hand, a dark form of magic that looked and acted like pen ink formed and danced in his hand.

"do any of you know what this is?~" he asked, they all stood there in silence, afraid of answering.

"hehehe~ I guess not~" Inc grinned and formed more of the ink in his other hand, it started to swirl around his arms and soon around his chest.

"this, my friends...is dark magic, something called, Dark Ink~" he said with a giggle like chuckle, he loved to see them all cowering in fear beneath his gaze.

"well, places to be, monsters to kill~"Inc spoke and turned around.

"w-wait! your going to kill people?!" Cross spoke in fear.

"hehe~ why of course! I'm finally free and now~ I have power~ all thanks to you three~" He chuckled and walked off, into the school. Inc Walked down the halls dragging his fingers along the wall. he reached the art room and walked inside. He noticed people staring at him in disbelief that the artistic skeleton would be late to this class. The room fell silent and the teacher stared at Inc.

"Ink? why are you late to class? are you having a hard time?" the look of concern on her face. Inc cleared his throat and used Inks voice to disguise himself.

"I-i'm sorry, I got held up by...some people..." he said trying to act innocent. it worked, the teacher nodded and continued to teach the class.


*time skip the bell rings signaling lunch


Inc walked out of the class a smile on his face, but not a happy one, an evil one.

'now time to go find that boy Error' he thought, he walked to the cafeteria and saw Error, a smirk cracked onto his face. He put on a fake sad look and walked past the table, sitting at a different one, Error took notice to this. he got up and walked towards "Ink".

"Heya babe, what's up? you seem down" he spoke.

"don't call me that" Inc mumbled.

"what was that? sorry I don't think I heard ya" he said putting an arm around him and giving him a peck on the cheek to lighten his mood.

"I SAID DON'T CALL ME BABE!!" Inc Screamed, pushing Error so he fell back in his seat.

"woah Ink! calm down!" Error said, a bit nervous that "Ink" was breaking up with him.

"calm down?! calm down?!?! REALLY??!!!! UHHGGG JUST LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE!! I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU!! DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND THAT?!?!!" he screammed at Error, Error felt tears prick at the corners of his eye sockets.

"i-ink..." he started as he got up but was stopped by a slap to the face. "ink" stormmed off out of the cafeteria, everyone looking at Error with a look of pity. Error looked around and Bluemoon got up and grabbed Error by the shoulder turning him around

"what the hell was that?" she said a bit shookin' just as much as Error, he just shook his head and shrugged feeling ashamed of himself for whatever he did to deserve that.

~Ink x Error~ Unbreakable Bond  ~High School Love~ {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now