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1st Hour:

Alice walked into her first hour late; math, which was unusual for her. However, lucky for her the teacher was also running late, meaning she wouldn't have to sit through another meeting about how she and her siblings rebel against school regulations. It was quite hilarious sometimes, watching the teachers get red faces in anger as the principal could do nothing but send us home for the day; knowing that our family was one of the biggest donors to the school. Strutting into the classroom she zigzagged between a few seats before arriving at her seat in the back of the classroom. Sitting down she stared out the window, her mind elsewhere. The girl from earlier was stuck in her mind, she had an inkling that she knew those eyes.

The rest of the class was bubbling among themselves, some wondering where the teacher was. However, Alice knew that a substitute was about to walk in within the next two minutes. Apparently, their homeroom teacher, Mr. Jackson was absent because he was feeling unwell; meaning they would probably have this substitute for the next few days. Humans do have a poor immune system, and Alice was pleased that vampires couldn't get sick.

She sighed, annoyed, she was tired of this school. It was full of gossiping teenagers who were immature, loud, and just out there disgusting sometimes; if vampires could get migraines Alice's head would be pounding. The only pleasing thing about school was prom, though that was just because she had a reason to dress up more than she already did, and her family allowed her to be as flashy as she wanted to. Though, this could be because of sympathy, them wanting her to have fun even though she never has a date. She and Edward would sometimes go for fun, but even Edward found Prom a drag.

It was raining outside again, it was always gloomy in this town. It was small, everyone knew everything about you, and her family was often the topic of the day. It was.. to say the least, uneventful and torture for vampires whose time moved slower. She heard the chair beside her shift as someone made themselves comfortable. She didn't bother looking in their direction, knowing it was probably one of the many boys who fawned for her attention; though Rose got the most attention.

The substitute teacher walked in, it was a bigger man; with a gruff-looking mustache and a balding head, his name tag read Mr. Adams. Clearing his throat he moved to stand in front of the desk. Alice looked toward him out of the corner of her eyes; the positioning of her hand blocked her from seeing her neighbor.

"Hello everyone, first things first, I'm going to take attendance, and then we're going to watch a movie-"

The class all started talking, obviously excited at the aspect of watching a movie instead of doing work.

"Attention!" while appearing to be a kind man he definitely had a deep voice; it did not match his appearance. The class went silent within moments, all watching as he held up the movie: Romeo and Juliet. A resonating groan sounded throughout the class, an educational movie.

"Now, your teacher didn't leave anything for me to give you, so we're watching this movie and I expect you all to pay attention. We will come to a stopping point halfway through and I expect a paper about what's happened so far, so pay attention!"

After taking attendance the teacher moved towards the back of the room, moving the classroom Tv towards the front of the room, placing the disc in the drive before pressing play. Alice let out a low sigh, she expected nothing less from a mere substitute, and of course, it had to be the most cliche romance movie ever.

"Excuse me?"

Alice turned her head, making eye contact with the girl. Her brain stopped working, this was the same girl from the parking lot. The eyes, brown with a slightly green hue in them, stared back at her. However, Alice's admiration didn't last long as the girl cleared her throat; waving her hand in front of Alice's face.

Alice gave a gentle, nervous, laugh at being caught staring, "Yes?" A twinge of relief ran through her as Alice realized her voice; opposite of her emotions, remained strong.

The girl gave a gentle smile, "Sorry, I forgot my pencils, do you by chance have one I can use?"Alice nodded, as she reached into her side bag, pulling out her notebook and two pencils. Turning she handed one to the girl, who gave an appreciative smile before turning to watch the movie. Alice, ignoring the movie; having watched it too many times before began to write her paper. She took it slow, though even attempting to go at a human pace she finished before the movie was even halfway through. Wanting to bang her head against the table she sighed, why did the school have to be so boring? Turning back to the window she imagined herself in the woods once more. However, her moment of peace didn't last long as she caught the scent of the girl next to her. It was very familiar, too familiar. It caught her off guard.

"My name is Bella."

Hearing her soft voice caused Alice to turn, seeing an outstretched hand, "Bella, that's a very fitting name," she spoke as she gently took the girl's hand.

Bella's face became slightly flushed, "What's your name?"

Normally, seeing humans blush would cause any vampire to flip out, though her family's non-human diet made it possible for them to stand the stronger smell. However, this girl, her scent didn't cause Alice's beast to seek blood, instead it caused an odd feeling, one Alice had never felt before. Along with this, she couldn't shake the feeling of familiarity. Looking down at the hand in her Alice tried to pinpoint her feelings, why did this girl seem so familiar to her?

Shurging the feeling off Alice pulled her hand away, "I'm Alice."

Bella smiled, "It's nice to meet you, Alice."

The way this girl said her name, shock her insides, these feelings were very weird. The bell rang a moment later, the lights flicking back on as the teacher turned the movie off. The students grudgingly walked toward the front of the classroom as they handed in their papers. Alice moved forwards, on autopilot, as she handed in her paper and darted out of the room to her next class; thankfully it was with Jasper and Edward. Maybe those two can give her some insight.

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