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Bella woke up to have Alice's head laying on her chest with her arm wrapped around her wait and her leg intwined with hers. She didn't mind it at all, she looked being close to Alice. She looked down at Alice to see her eyes closed, her face relaxed, and her breathing was like a humans. Bella didn't want to wake Alice out of her relaxed state but she was hungry for some breakfast. Right whenever she was about to move Alice moved away opening her eyes and stretching.

Bella smiled watching Alice as she closed her eyes and covered her eyes with her arm. Bella sat up and watched Alice for a little bit before leaning forward and giving her a quick kiss on the lips. Alice seemed to pout whenever she pulled away, Bella just smiled sitting up and getting out of the bed. She was about to walk out the door whenever Alice spun her around connecting their lips again.

The kiss was a slow and passionate one but it still made Bella feel tingles go through her body. She was about to deepen the kiss whenever Alice pulled away smiling.

"Thats a good morning kiss," Alice said before exiting the bedroom.

Bella couldn't help but smile as she followed Alice out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. She knew Alice didn't eat food so whenever she seen Alice walking around making breakfast it still seemed to surprise her with a vampire cooking food. After Alice was done she handed Bella some pancakes with orange juice, bacon, and eggs.

Bella finished quickly before she stood up and placed her dish in the sink. Alice was smiling as she watched her. Turning around Bella began to walk towards Alice, a smile on her face.

"So when do we get to talk to Carlisle?"

Alice smiled, "We can go now?"

Bella smiled and nodded, "Alright lets get going."

She walked outside before shifting into her tiger form. She waited for Alice before she took off following after Alice so that she wouldn't get lost of where she was going. There house wasn't that far from Alice's little house. It looked much like the one that they had in Forks but this time it was much bigger it seemed and more white. Bella didn't bother admiring the house before she shifted back to her human form running to the front door and opening it. She walked in only to be greeted by her cub running up to her. She stumbled some before she reached Bella. Smiling Bella picked her up purring as she rubbed Jasmine's head. She missed her cub, even if it was just for a day.

Carlisle was in the living room and smiled whenever he saw them. "Do you wish to talk now?"

Bella nodded to him before she sat down placing her cub in her lap. "Yes. Alice told me the story but I want to know if you know where I can find her, and what her name is?"

Carlisle smiled, "Yes. Of course. I have located her and recently contacted her while you two were gone. Her name is Katerina."

"Could you tell me more about her?"

"No, not much besides what Alice told you about her. But she wants us to meet, she scheduled a meeting place for us and time. She is happy to know that you have found your mate, but she is quite worried too. She wouldn't explain why but it seems very serious. I would like you to discuss with Alice that she wishes to meet. Tomorrow after the sun has set, at the tallest cliff. I know of the place she speaks of but you have to tell Alice that she wishes for us to meet."

Bella nodded, "Why cant you tell Alice?"

Carlisle shook his head, "I wold have but Alice seems to not be anywhere around."

Bella then glanced around and she sensed that Alice was already gone. She thought that she had returned to her house so she stood up and nodded to Carlisle.

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