Meeting the Stranger

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Bella's POV:

She'd read the book over The Dark One but seeing her in person sent shivers down her spine, and not in the pleastent way. The Figure was floating off the ground slightly, her hair ruffled in the wind making it look more wild then it already was a sinister look in her eyes as she showed her teeth in an evil smile; they were sharpened, pointed edges on everyone of them. Her hands had claw like fingernails, the vivid image of red at the tips showing just had sharp they were. She wore a black armor that had spikes stiking out on the shoulder, a black mist surronded her seeming to encase her as it flitted around her. She smirked whenever we all tensed at her arival, none of us expecting her to arive so soon. Her eyes a blood red, her hair the color the night skys, framing her face that had a scar going down from benth her eye down to her jawline; in the form of claws. She raised her hand, her nails flickering. Before anyone could move she thrust it out towards them sending a swarm of what looked like black balls at them but as they grew closer you could make out the figure of a human, or what used to be one. They were haunted souls, trapped here as her slaves. They swarmed around them, making noises growing louder and louder before the wolves stormed forward. They were singing their song, it made them dissy as they tried to study their ground to prepare. The souls had enchanted them with their song causing many to stumble to the ground. The wolves grew closer as the song grew louder, more powerful. They were all under a spell and if it didn't break then they would be easy targets. Out of no where howls were heard, a bright flash of light broke through the mist as figures came from every corner. Only one person sticking out from the rest.

Her skin was tan, almost a copper color. Her hair lightly blew in the wind as light seemed to radit off of her as she walked forward almost in slow motion as different species ran from around her. Time seemed to unfreeze as the Haunted Souls stopped singing and slowly disapated into the air as the light shinned around us all. Her black hair flickered in the lighting giving it almost a violet color, she wore normal leather armor, a sword in hand. She didn't spare any of us a glance as she ran forward, the others quickly following her after getting out of their trance. Quickly deciding she wasn't a bad guy we didn't hesitate to storm forward meeting the wolves head on. The Dark One tried to escape it seemed as she was moving from the fighting but Kat stoped her as did the stranger that had managed to save the day. Kat growled at the intruder whenever she got into her veiw faster then possible for a human before blasting what seemed to be a radiant of light at The Dark One. A shril yell was heard as the rest of us forght the wolves pilling on top of us. Grabbing one Bella's teeth locked on its neck quickly cracking it before jumping over another and tacking one that was trying to lock it mouth around another. The mist that had once nearly consumed them had disapted into nothing as a bright light replaced it. Howls of pain were heard, whimpers, claws hitting armor, scrapping, everything was heard as the fight contined. Taking down another one Bella looked around to see if Alice was okay only to see her pratically dancing in between the wolves taking them down one by one. Kat was having troubles through as the stranger kept managing to get in her way everytime she tried to tackle The Dark One. Then she did something no one seemed to expect. She shifted, lifted her hands up in the shape of fists, aimed at The Dark One before opening them as a force came out shaking the Earth they stood on. Some stumbled, some lost their footing and fell, others seemed focused on fighting. Waves of an almost invisable force echoed out from her hands sending The Dark One to the ground as she fell. Kat quickly rushed forward to get the upper hand only to be blasted back by a ray of light that sent her flying into a wall. She glared at the stranger before blasting her back then sending out a shock of electricty from her hands aimed at The Dark One.

It back fired.

The blast was sent from its target back into Kat as she fell to the ground from the force of the shock. She looked up to see The Dark One smirking before disappering as well as the surving wolves. She gained her bearyings before getting up and storming over to the stranger who had been resisent in stopping her from winning.

"Who the hell are you?!"

Kats voice was a deep growl, her eyes now shinning purple as she grabbed the stranger by their throat, a rumble in her chest as she barred her teeth. The stranger looked at her and smirked.

"I thought you'd know by now," She grabed Kat's hand sending a wave of light through her before blasting her backwards.

She let out a growl that seemed to be able to shake the Earth as she stood up running towards the stanger. They only had a smirk as they watched, animals standing beside her. Finally it clicked in Bella's head who she was. Quickly rushing forward she shifted before grabbing Kat by the waist and halting her as she struggled.

"Kat stop, you'll only hurt yourself. Look at her, she's not our enemy. Calm down."

She slowly calmed down, but even then her eyes stayed purple as she eyes the stranged who was now petting a panther that stood beside her. She smirked at Kat as she countined to pet the panthers head.

"Now that you're calm, let me introduce myself. Unless of course you know who I am then introductions as unneeded as I know who you are, Katerina, Queen of Werecats."

Bella stared at her as she looked at them all seeming to size them up. Letting Kat go she figured she was calm enough but whenever she seen her take a step forward she quickly grabbed her again. Kat growled as she stared at the stranger.

"Going to be that way? Fine. I'm Leah Clearwater, the Queen of all wildlife."

Authors Note: I apologize for such the slow updates but I lost the track of where I was going with the book but now the trains moving along so please forgive me and I hope you enjoy the new update.

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