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N/A/ Whoever is reading this thanks.

Bella's POV

     It was now nighttime and her and Emmett were still playing some racing game. Her cub was safely in the guest room she had woken up in while she stayed downstairs. She was planning on going to bed an hour ago but the game became so addicting that she couldn't help herself. She hadn't  felt so relaxed in forever. She always had to keep her guard up at her house, and even outside hunting.

    But now here she was lounging on the couch playing a video game. She was in a beyond relaxed state as she sat there trying to beat Emmett but lost every time. Even though she lost she was still happy. She finally felt free in a way. Alice was upstairs, as was Esme, Jasper and Edward was in the garage. Rosalie was sitting opposite of Bella reading a magazine, and Carlisle had already left for work.

    Bella laughed as she rammed Emmett off the road and beat him. She finally beat him! She jumped up doing a happy dance as Emmett pouted. Rosalie grinned at Bella chuckling, as Emmett got up taking the game out. She stopped dancing and decided to finally go to bed. 

   She gave Emmett the remote and told them goodnight knowing the rest of the family heard her. She walked up the stairs to the guest room and seen Alice sitting on the bed petting her cub. She smiled sweetly at her and sat down beside her on the bed. 

    Looking down at her cub she smiled, "You really like her don't you?"

    Alice looked up whenever Bella asked the question and smliled, "She's so cute."

   Bella nodded and got under the covers in the now clean clothes that Esme let her borrow, "You should've seen her whenever she was born. She was much thinner than how she is now."

   Bella closed her eyes not caring that Alice was in the room. She actually felt quite safe with Alice there. She knew she could go to sleep and her cub would be fine. She felt Alice shift on the bed and heard the mewing that she was accustomed to.

    She glanced up at her cub to see her walking around on the bed. Alice was smiling and so was Bella. But whenever she went to walk off the bed she grabbed her before she fell. She chuckled and brought her close to her chest making a purring sound. Jasmine purred softly and was lulled back to sleep. Alice was smiling at her which earned a questioning look from Bella.

    "Can you just purr at anytime?" 

   Bella smiled looking down at Jasmine, "One of the traits of being a tiger. It helps lull her to sleep. Before I had her I only purred whenever relaxed but now I can do it at anytime. It's meant to help you take care of your cub and calm them."

   Alice nodded in understanding and stood up, "That makes sense. But I'm going to go hunt, do you think you're safe here by yourself?"

    Bella knew Alice wouldn't be too far away so she nodded, "Yeah. I was thinking about going to sleep anyways."

    Alice agreed saying it was late and left the guest room. Bella closed her eyes and listened to the purring of her cub. Purring can help calm the cub whenever it comes from the mother, but whenever the cub purrs it can help calm the mother. It's a balance. Bella listened to her cub purring for awhile before drifting off to sleep.

N/A/ I'll try to make the next chapter longer. Hope you like it.

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