A finding

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Bella's POV

I finally reached my destination. The ground was covered in snow, my feet sank a couple feet and with my color I blended in. Not needing to hide anymore I found a place where the snow was not deep and put my cub down. I've been running for three days so she was growing restless of being carried. Once put on the ground she began to run around. The snow flew behind her as she ran in circles. Theses were the types of breaks that we would take if the opportunity presented itself.

She fell face first into the snow but not a moment later she got up. She had bits of snow in her fur. She seemed so cute running around in the snow. Deciding to play around with her I took my paw shipping up some snow and threw it in the air. Some landed on her causing her to shake her head. She made a mewing sound before walking over to me and jumped on my tail. Laying down I decided to let her play some more before continuing to the destination.

Since I didn't know who I was exactly looking for it would result in me wandering around looking for any type of shifter. Jasmine jumped on my back and started to walk up to my head. She placed her paws on my head and nipped at my ear. Deciding to mess around I rolled over causing her to land on my stomach and roll off. She fell on the snow and had the look of what seemed to be annoyance on her face.

But before our playing around could continue there was talking and judging by the heart beat and scent it was a human. Standing up quickly I picked Jasmine up and ran the opposite direction of the voices. Reaching a cave I scented around finding that no scent meaning the cave was empty.

Walking inside the dark empty cave she sat Jasmine down and shifted beck to her human form. She quickly went outside to gather some wood before running back into the cave and began to make a fire. Her stomach growled letting her know that she had forgot to go hunting. But now it was to late because of the time of night, she would be to obvious.

Pulling her necklace off she unwrapped the piece of cloth that had a few pieces of cooked meat jerky. Eating the few pieces she had she put her necklace back on and shifted into her tiger form. Her cub was still awake and since she didn't get the chance to feed her she laid down and allowed her to drink.

As she was feeding she closed her eyes curling up waiting for her to finish feeding. Once she was done she felt her curl up into her chest meaning she was getting ready to sleep. Closing her eyes Bella began to fall asleep. She would have to look around for her own kind tomorrow.

In the morning

Waking up I stood up and seen Jasmine still asleep. Taking this chance to go out and hunt I ran out of the cave to look for something to catch. Following a more animalistic scent I found a doe. Hurrying to pounce on it I dragged it back to the cave where I left Jasmine. Finding her still asleep I shifted back and began cutting off pieces of meat placing it near the fire.

It was a while before the food would be done so I began to stretch some and move around in my human food. Once the food was done and I was done eating Jasmine was up and running around the cave. Putting the fire out and shifting back into my tiger form I began to run around the woods looking for any scent that shouted "shifter."

While running I came across this scent that seemed to rock my senses. My tiger began to purr causing me to purr. The scent was a honey scent that had a hint of something else sweet. It smelled like honey and strawberries. Deciding to follow scent I ran into a figure.

Jumping back I realized it was Alice.

I sat my cub down and shifted back into my human form. I could sense the others nearby so Jasmine would be able to run around and she wouldn't get far with them near. Alice smiled whenever she saw me and pulled me into a hug. A purr began to rumble in my chest and I began to nuzzle my head into her neck.

A relaxed state came over me, something that only happens whenever Jasmine is near me and I know she is safe. Alice giggled some but rubbed against my hair causing a louder purr to come out. Usually it would be embarrassing but at the moment it didn't bother me.

A loud laughter broke me out of my trance causing me to pull away from Alice neck and looking around. Emmett lay in the snow rolling around as Jasmine chased after him. It brought a smile to my face watching them.

A hand stroking my face brought me from looking at them. Looking away from Emmett I looked at Alice as she had a small smile on her face. Smiling at her I realized that my arms were still around her from whenever we were hugging. But it didn't make me uncomfortable and it didn't seem to be bothering her.

We were staring into each others eyes whenever a nose interrupted our staring. Carlisle stood with Esme.

"You have to remember the reason we came here Alice."

She nodded, "I'll explain it later but—"

Carlisle interrupted her, "We understand Alice but you have to soon."

Alice nodded, "Okay. But Bella would you like to go to my house to talk?"

I nodded but then thought about Jasmine, but before I could ask about it she smiled at me and nodded.

"Its fine, Rosalie has very much missed her."

Bella looked over to Rose to see her cooing at Jasmine. Nodding I glanced at Alice and smiled.

"Okay, but we have to be back soon."

"Of course."

Looking to see Alice's family is gone she realized that they were alone. Alice smiled and took my hand and began to walk through the woods. I could feel a tingle go through me as her hand connected with mine. What were theses feelings...? She was making me feel new things.

N/A/ so what do you guys think? 

The Protector (Under Rewrite)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora