We Go Together

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Dedicated to Psycho_Poet

Alice's pov
Bella began to stur as she started waking up. She smiled down at her mate, gently kissing her hair. Bella rolled away from her as she stretched before yawning. A smile appeared on her face whenever Alice leaned over gently kissing her lips. She knew that they had to go to the library now, since Bella was awake. Sighing Alice moved off the bed as Bella gave her a confused look.
"Something wrong?"
"Kat came in here earlier whenever you were sleeping and requested us to meet her in the library after you woke up. She said its important."
Bella groaned sitting up, " so we have to leave."
Alice nodded sadly, "yes, we have to leave."
Standing from the bed Bella nodded before walking to the door. Alice followed her out the door but instead of heading to the library Bella went down the opposite way.
"Bella, where are you going?"
She turned around walking backwards as she looked at Alice. She smiled before waving her to follow her down the hall. Bella turned entering the kitchen, walking to one of the fridges and grabbing a bottle of red liquid. Bella turned to Alice holding the bottle out to her. Alice gave her a confused look.
"I can't drink human drinks."
Bella laughed nodding, "It's blood. Now drink it."
Oh, its blood. Alice took the bottle twisting the lid off before she took a drink. She didn't feel that hungry so the need to drink a lot didn't occur. After drinking some she placed the lid back on it, then sat it on the counter. Bella held a cup of orange juice in her hands as she took a few drinks from it. After drinking it she sat it by the sink and took the bottle and placed it back in the fridge knowing Alice was done with it.
"Now we have to get to the library,no more stops."
"Okay, but after meeting with her we have to go to my room because I need to change my clothes."
Walking from the kitchen they turned the corner and headed to the library. Alice opened the door holding it for Bella who smiled warmly at her in thanks. Alice smiled back before walking in behind her. Kat stood at her desk reading over something intently. Whenever the door closed Kat looked up and nodded.
"Now that you're here we can talk. It is of grave importance."
Sitting on her desk she pointed to the in front of her. Sitting down Alice and Bella looked at Kat as she picked up what seemed to be a letter and opened it.
"I received this letter today, it was from a neighboring hide out of another kingdom. They hold werewolves in their ranks also being hunted down by the Dark One. Bella you read the ancients book so you know who the Dark One is. She hunt's down the pure ones, demanding control over all living things. She attached this kingdom and killed many of them before she retreated, leaving as a warning that if they don't bow down then they will all die. They sent this letter asking for help because we train in the enchanted arts. We are much stronger than them but if we join together we will be able to fight off this army. I have accepted their pea for help. You can join us in this fight, or you can stay here with the ones who will be staying to protect the kingdom from possible ambush. It is up to you, so I would like to have your answer soon so that I may know if my people should be prepared to craft your enchanted armor before we leave. It will protect you in your human and tiger form, shifting and growing to fit your tiger. We can make one that will resist fire for Alice if you choose to join . What is your answer?"
Alice looked at Bella who seemed deep in thought, she glanced at Kat who nodded in understanding. She stood off of her desk and walked behind it, grabbing a book.
"I will need your answer by tonight, that is when we will prepare ourselves. You are allowed to say no and stay, and allowed to say yes and go. Either way, its fully up to you. You can leave and discuss amongst yourselves and then after you have decided you may return here. I will be preparing a plan for what me and my army to make the weapons needed."
Alice nodded in thanks and stood up, holding her hand out to Bella who starred at it for a moment before taking ahold of it and standing with her. Together her and Bella walked out if the library.
"Would you like to return to your room Bella?"
Alice glanced at Bella to see her nod. She didn't know were her room was so she was glad whenever Bella took the lead. Once in her room Bella went to get closet to get her clothes.
"I'm going to take a shower, you can get a change of clothes and get dressed in here or go down the hall where there is an extra bathroom you can shower in."
Without waiting for a reply she walked into the bathroom closing the door. Alice sighed walking to the closet  picking out a set of clothes she thought would best fit her and grabbed towel and headed to the bathroom Bella told her about. Entering the bathroom Alice quickly undressed and got in the shower turning it to a lukewarm temperature. Once under the water Alice relaxed and began to clean herself.
After she was done she turned the water off and got dressed using the towel to dry her hair. Exiting the bathroom she returned to bell's room placing her dirty clothes in the hamper that was outside the restroom. Sitting on the bed Alice sighed as she messed with her hair trying to dry it. The door opened and Alice looked up to see Bella changed into a pair of tight fitting jeans, and a low riding tank top. She had the towel in her her hand drying her hair slightly.
Alice looked at her and smiled slightly at her whenever Bella moved to sit beside her. Taking Bella hand Alice looked down, silently waiting for her to speak first. Whenever Bella didn't make a move to start the conversation Alice knew that she would have to.
" Bella... What are we going to do?"
She heard Bella shift before the hand Alice was holding was removed from her to rest on Bella lap.
"I don't know Alice. I want to go help but if I go you would follow and if you end up getting hurt I would never forgive myself."
Alice knew she was right. Wherever Bella went she would follow. She knew that she wouldn't let Bella go by herself.
"I can protect myself. You don't need to protect me Bella."
"But Alice, I have to. I can't just stand there and let you possibly get hurt."
She looked up at Bella and moved her hand to hold Bella's cheek, "If you go I'll follow. If you want to go help in this fight then I'll be by your side. We stay together, and we'll protect each other. After this we can come back here. Wherever you go, we go together."
Bella smiled a sad smile before nodding, "I know this Alice. But if we go, you have to promise to stay by my side. I don't want you to get hurt."
"I promise, as long as you stay by mine."
Bella sighed moving up the bed, pulling Alice with her. She moved into Alice's side sighing as she held her possessively. Alice knew the thoughts her mate were having, but she also knew that Bella wanted to go. The decision was made. They would go together.

Authors note: so what do you guys think?

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