Getting Help

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Bella's POV:

I watched from my spot on the floor as Alice walked out of the room, I heard her talk with Esme before the sound of the front door opening and closing echoed throw the house. My heart said to chase after her and fix what was wrong. But my instincts were riding over my feelings and to me, at the moment what I was doing was rational in my mind. I didn't want to blame how I was acting on my instincts, that would be a lame excuse, but it was the reason. I knew that by acting the way I was that I was being completely selfish. By not being a mom towards Jazz and leaving Alice to take care of her, by being I horrible mate towards Alice I was being selfish. Even though these realizations should have changed my act around it did little to me. I had decided the moment that Alice had started listening out my faults that I wasn't going to apologize.

Even though apologizing would fix a lot of the issue I couldn't find myself caring. Ever since Jacob moved in my inner animal has been on something like a rampage. Anytime I'm out of my animal form I find myself losing control, and I don't know what will happen if that were to occur. It would be simple to explain this to Alice but a part of me was scared she wouldn't understand and she'd call me childish and that I was overreacting. A part of me, however, thought that she would understand and that she'd be supportive of my choices, though this part was small and meek compared to the opposite side.

This was all so new to me. My control has always been great, it was rare for my inner animal to ever surface. But at the moment it wasn't so rare. Anytime I shifted back to my human form I could feel it scratching at the surface like it was clawing at me from the inside, wanting out. It terrified me. This leads to me staying in my animal form, only shifting back to do simple things. The only thing that seemed to keep me calm was being in the same room as Jazz, being near her seemed to allow me some peace of mind. Alice even tested my control at times, which is why I distanced myself from her. Being in the same room as she made my inner animal shake, I'd never felt this feeling before so I tried to avoid confronting it. But this choice of path was proving to be a bad one as Alice had now left the house because of it.

I needed help, though I was loathed to admit it. The only person who could provide answers was busy talking to Jacob all the time. I could ask Kate to step aside and talk to me but I was too scared of even being close to Jacob, the feeling of rage that surfaced often became too much.

The door slamming open broke me from my thoughts. I glanced from up from my spot on the floor only to see a seething Rose glaring back at me. She walked over to me, purpose in her step. Crouching down to my level I could see her eyes were darker than usual.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

I tilted my head in confusion, she growled and grabbed the scruff of my neck and pulled me close. Her eyes burned into mine.

"You better listen to what I'm about to say because I won't repeat myself. You fix whatever is wrong between you and Alice or else I'll show you pain. I may be in the middle of transitioning back to a human but that doesn't mean I won't try my hardest to put you in your place. You and Alice are mates, but at the moment you're acting less and less like one. I don't care what your excuses are, but you better fix your attitude fast and follow after Alice. If not I'll start thinking you don't care about her or your daughter and if that's the situation then you don't need either in your life. Don't think I'll hesitate from throwing you out of this house and keeping you out!"

After her speech, she stood up and left the room. I stared after her before standing and following after her. While Rose was usually nice to me, I didn't like the confrontation of the Ice Queen everyone told me about. Walking towards the room that Kate had claimed as her own I sniffed the air. Jacob's scent was light meaning he wasn't in her room. Shifting back to my human form I pushed the door open and closed it behind me.

Kate looked up, startled, but at seeing my confusion and concern took place.

"What's going on with me?" I asked, my voice harsh from my lack of talking.

She raised an eyebrow at me and moved her eyes down to look for something out of place, "I don't see anything wrong with you, besides the stink. You really should take a shower or something. Being cooped up in your animal form is smelly."

I growled and walked closer, "Why do I feel like this?"

She stood up and moved in front of me, "Explain how you feel and I'll give you my answer."

I nodded and preceded to tell her my emotions, and my thoughts. She hummed here and there before nodding and walking closer, tilting my head to the side. It was like she was examining my neck.

"Well, for you feeling like you do I have some reasons. One, you and Jacob have a harsh past, it's only natural for you to resent him and to want him to have nothing to do with Jazz. This can explain why your instincts are telling you to stay near Jazz at all costs, you feel like Jacob can be a threat to her. Plus with how he acted whenever he first showed up I don't blame you. As for Alice, I can tell you haven't gone through mating yet, meaning your instincts would be in override. With the new threat of these Demon Hunters, you would feel overprotective of her, it's natural to. However, the reason for your lack of control around her isn't what you might think, it's your inner animal wanting out to claim Alice as yours. Usually, our kind would mate within the first few days of knowing each other, but with your relationship it's complicated. But if you want your inner animal to calm down you have to mark Alice in some way, most would bite at the neck, once you bite her the mark is permanent and she'll always carry your scent with her. You don't have to have sex or anything unless if you want to, but I will say this, once you mark her your instincts to be by her side double, everything does really, but by doing so your inner animal will calm down and stop wanting control. Even the situation with Jacob will lessen. But, what you do, its all up to you. Now I would stay and explain more but I have a meeting with Carlisle if you need anything else I'll be back in my room later tonight."

I nodded and walked back to me and Alice's room. I shifted and laid on our bed, thinking about what Kate had said. I could always explain this to Alice, and if she understands then she might let me mark her. Even if the effects of it will only make me want to be by her more its better than not being able to control myself while in the same room as her.

Making up my mind I shifted back and moved to where Jasmine was sleeping, picking her up I made my way to Rose's room. Knocking at the door I waited for her to answer. She opened the door and glared at me for a moment before smiling at seeing Jasmine with me.

"Finally going to woman up to your mistakes and admit you were in the wrong?"

I just stared at her for a moment before gesturing to Jasmine with my head, "Do you mind watching her, I'll be back in a bit."

Rose nodded and reached out and picked up Jasmine who immediately started playing with her hair, "Sure I will."

I gave a small smile, "Don't feed her too many sweets."

Rose just grinned and looked down at Jasmine, "I can't make any promises."

Shrugging I backed away from the door, "Well you're dealing with her whenever she gets hyper."

Rose didn't reply and continued looking down at Jasmine who was making small noises. Walking away from the two of them I walked down the stairs and headed straight to the door. Once outside I shifted again and followed after Alice's scent.

AN: Hello everyone, I know it's been a while since the last update, I was stuck on what to write but after a bit of thinking I thought this would be the correct path to take. Hope you enjoy the chapter, opinions are welcome.

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