Decision Made

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Bella's POV:

She had finally made a decision. She'd finished the book that Kat asked her to read and after reading it she began to feel better. Recently she had felt like some dark force was making her act rude and mean. She knew that she shouldn't but she couldn't stop herself from showing hatred. Walking into the library Bella seen Kat sitting in a chair reading a book. She glanced up at Bella before setting the book down.

"I finished the book."

Kat smiled, "That's good. Now, " standing up she handed Bella another book, "read this book too. Its not as important but maybe it will help you whenever you have to train for fighting."

Bella nodded taking the book before looking at Kat as she headed out the library, to probably go to Alice. She jumped in front of her before she reached the door looking at Kat who were a confused face.

"I was wondering if maybe I could look up on Alice today?"

Kay grinned, "You may if you wish."

Bella smiled for the first time in what seemed forever and walked happily out of the room. Heading towards the room she knew Alice was in she turned the doorknob without hesitating and walked inside. Alice looked at her surprised but Bella just smiled, sat the book down on a stand in the room and walked over to the bed. She looked at Alice's face seeing her so broken like she was made her sad but she knew that what she was about to say would change that look to a happy face.

"Alice, I forgive you. I know I've been so rude lately but its just I wasn't meaning to. This dark force came over me and all I felt was hatred but its better now because its gone."

Alice seemed to blink and looked at Bella in surprise, "You forgive me?"

Bella nodded smiling happily, "Yes."

Alice started to smile sitting up, "Really?"

Bella nodded wanting to laugh, "Yes really. I forgive you. I should've never been like I was these past days but its better now. I want to fix us."

Alice's face broke out into a huge smile before she squealed and hugged Bella close causing her to fall onto the bed. Bella laughed holding Alice tightly smiling. She never felt so happy. Alice began to purr as she rubbed her cheek against Bella's happily and Bella couldn't stop herself whenever she purred back. Then Bella remembered something. Hoping up and letting go of Alice she held up a finger.

"Be right back, I want you to read something for me."

Alice smiled and nodded before Bella ran out the door, down the hall to where her room was. Opening the door she grabbed the book on the nightstand and seen Jasmine cuddled up on her bed. Smiling Bella gently picked her up before rushing back out the door and back to Alice's room.

As soon as she entered Alice perked up, still wearing a wide smile. Bella smiled back sitting on the bed laying Jasmine in between them. Alice smiled running her hand through her fur before looking at the book, a curious look in her eyes. Bella opened the book flipping to the third section of it. Spinning it around she pointed to what she wanted Alice to read before picking Jasmine up into her arms a wide grin on her face. She felt different after reading that section and it made her beyond happy, she wasn't so pissy anymore.

"Read it aloud Alice."

Alice smiled before picking the book up and reading it, "Whenever a Werecat gives birth to a cub while in tiger form the cub will be in the form of their tiger instead of their human form. If a cub is born in human it will be difficult for the baby to shift but not only will it be difficult but it could lead to much pain. Most cubs are born in tiger form due to this fact, but they will not be able to change into their human form until the age of five. Once they are five they will shift into their human form and will be five years of age. This way they can shift from between the two forms whenever the mother says its time to shift, then one they are thirteen they will be able to gain control over their tiger and shift whenever they want or need be."

Alice smiled and looked up at Bella who was grinning holding Jasmine in her arms petting her head. She looked down at Jasmine, she would be able to change into her human form. She won't always be stuck as a cub.

Alice squealed and laughed, "She'll be able to change into her human form."

Bella nodded, "She's four. One May 1st she'll be able to change into her human form. That's only five months away!"

Alice smiled nodding, "We'll be able to see her as a human."

Bella kissed Jasmines head, "Yes."

Alice ran a hand through Bella's hair, "I bet she's going to be as beautiful as you."

Bella blushed looking down, "I'm not beautiful."

Alice grabbed Bella gently by the chin making her look at her, "Isabella Swan don't you ever say that again! You are beautiful."

Bella didn't believe it but nodded, "If you say so."

Alice looked down at Jasmine, and grinned. She was going to throw her a birthday party. Bella looked at Alice happily. She was happy that her Alice was smiling again, that her pain was gone. She didn't feel like there was a dark mist over her anymore, she felt the light in her life. Bella stared at Alice before saying the three words that she meant more then anything else she's ever said in her life.

"I love you."

Alice seemed frozen and Bella believed that she had made a mistake. Maybe she shouldn't have said that but she couldn't stop herself from saying it, she meant it.

Authors Note: I know that the book was confusing with the whole Alice, Kat, and Bella thing but I've decided that I love Bellice more and don't want to make them mates as I planned. Also, yes Bella was mean and rude but I hope now you understand now. Is it understandable to why she was so rude? I'm trying to make it less confusing.

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