Lunch Time

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Walking into her next class Alice was relieved to see Edward and Jasper sitting near the back of the room. Edward was in the front, and Jasper in the back; an empty chair between them. Sitting between them Alice immediately caught their attention, Edward with her thoughts, and Jasper with her feelings. She was hopeful about their abilities, maybe they can shine some light on her situation.

Edward turned to look at her, "What's going on?"

Alice sighed, she was unsure about that herself. The feelings that the girl caused to shift inside of her, it was odd; something she's never felt before. It was as if she remembered her from somewhere, something was screaming at her inside.

Leaning her hand against her head she eyed Edward, "I'm not sure."

She heard Jasper shift behind her, "That is an odd feeling, I'm not even sure what it is."She wanted to laugh at the humor in it, even the mind reader and the empathic couldn't make sense of it. Edward let out a slight chuckle, "That is quite disappointing."

Readjusting her position she moved to turn toward Jasper, "Are you sure you can't give me any hints as to what's causing them?"

Jasper got this thoughtful look on his face, his eyes narrowing down as he debated. Leaning back in his chair he let out a low sigh, "There are some theories, though their only theories.""And... What are they?"

She heard Edward make a noise behind her as if he was in agreement with whatever Jasper was thinking, "That is plausible."

Turning to look back at him she sighed, "What is plausible?"

He ignored her, looking at Jasper as he continued reading his thoughts. Jasper, remained silent, contemplating.

Groaning she threw her hands up, "Are you two serious? Tell me!"

They both broke out of their thoughts, staring at her, as if she just interrupted the class. The sound of footsteps walking towards them caused her to growl under her breath, here comes Mrs. Anderson.

Equal looks of annoyance graced the boy's face, all three looking up to see her staring at them. Her old librarian glasses hung around her neck, her pointed nose glaring down at them as she placed her hands on her rather pointed hips.

"Would you like to share with this class what you're talking about?"

The three of the shook their heads, Alice hopping she leaves them alone and just assign them an extra assignment. Wishful thinking though, as she eyed them before calling out names."Andrew, Becca, and James trade their seats, now!"

They all stood up, a groan leaving their lips as they shuffled around the classroom, effectively being separated from one another. Jasper was in the front of the classroom, Alice in the far back left corner, and Edward toward the right; nearest to the door. Looking down at her assignment she grudgingly started writing, waiting till the teacher was seated back down before looking up at the two of them.

"So, your theories?" she spoke, in a voice too low for human ears to detect. She noticed them both shift slightly, though it was Edward who answered.

"We'll talk about it at lunch."

Nodding she decided to focus on completing the assignment in front of her.

An hour passed by fast enough, the next course being science, though she didn't pay attention to what the teacher was talking about. She knows all about Newton's Laws, and how they worked. Walking out of the classroom she made her way to her locker, where she placed her book bag. The cafeteria was about 5 classrooms down, and every student was rushing to get food. Making her way through the students she was immediately hit in the face by the scent of food. She gagged internally, hating the smell of human food, as she made her way to the table where her family always sat.

It was a round table near the windows, though a way away from everyone else, isolated in a sense. Emmett was set by Rose, Jasper on his other side, and Edward on the opposite side of Rose. Walking up to the table she sat down between Jasper and Edward. Sighing she looked around, everyone was seated eating the odd-looking food, her family being the only ones who didn't eat. Looking at the two of them she recalled math period.

Edward immediately perked up, "Oh, yeah, Jasper, care to elaborate?"

Jasper, looking up from the table, made eye contact with Alice, "Ah yeah, that. It might not make sense."

Alice sighed, "It doesn't matter, any theory works with me, I just want to try to understand."However, before he could begin explaining Rose interrupted, "Wait, what is going on?" She spoke, eyeing them.

Looking around Alice easily spotted Bella, seated at what her family calls "Mean Girls," though that was only because a number of them in that group were gossip girls. Looking back towards Rose she leaned forward, "I have these odd feelings about her."

Rose's eyebrows arched, confused, though Emmett jumped at the chance to make a joke, "Ooo "odd" feelings huh?"

Alice glared at him, knowing he was insinuating sexualized emotions, though before she could snap at him Rose beat her to it. With Rose, all she had to do was glare at you and you'd shut up. Emmett, seeing her eyes, looked away giving a slight laugh.

"Now, explain?" Rose spoke, looking back at Alice.

However, before Alice could reply a slam sounded through the cafeteria, silence resonating through the large area of space. Turning Alice watched as, not too far away from them, Bella picked up Jessica and slammed her into the cafeteria table. Jessica was bent at an odd angle, her legs dangling off the side of the table, everyone that was previously seated had moved away, watching with awe. Bella looked absolutely pissed, her hands noticeably shaking as she glared down into a fear-stricken face of Jessica.

"You ever, and I mean ever, say that again and I swear you will get what's coming to you!" She practically growled out before slamming Jessica against the table once more as she realized her grip on her shirt. Bella stood, leaving stunned; shaking Jessica on the table, before she stormed out of the Cafeteria. A girl with black short hair trailed after her.

Jessica attempted to stand, only to do so unsuccessfully as she fell to the floor. A group of laughter erupted through the room, the silence gone, as her friends attempted to help her stand. Alice turned back towards her family, who were all smiling.

Emmett's loud laughter was quite noticeable among them, "I guess Jessica finally got put in her place."

Rose let out a mix between a laugh and a snort; which was very unlike her, as her whole family started laughing. During all that laughter she forgot about her confusion, and about her feelings, enjoying the small moment. She'll worry about those odd feelings later.

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