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Bella's POV

She had ran away from the Cullen's, somewhere were she knew she could get answers. She wanted to know why she was a white tiger. Why she had a pull in her heart. She had questions about her parents and why they left her. She knew that the only place where she could find theses answers was the one place where she was easily able to hide.


She had been away from Forks for a week now. She had been running her way to Alaska. Which was hard whenever having a cub, and being a white tiger. She had to hide as she ran. Hiding from the humans was not easy to say the least. She had to stay in her tiger form in order to make it less suspicious. She remembered whenever a someone seen her. That didn't end very well.


She had been away from Forks for about three days whenever she was in a city that she had run to. She didn't bother trying to find out the name, she was just cutting through to try to get to Alaska. She was running in between empty ally ways that lead to a shadowed place, or to a place she could hide out. She was running past an ally staying in the dark whenever she turned to run down the empty ally she froze.

There in front of her was a man. He had red eyes. She knew what red eyes meant. She turned and ran only to run straight into a human. It was a young girl. She watched the girls eyes widen in surprise. She turned to see that the man with red eyes was gone. She then got up and ran.

End of flashback.

She knew better then to let humans see her. Not even a day later from that young girl seeing her did she catch a glimpse of what people where saying. She heard everyone talking about how a white tiger was seen. That white tigers were rare and that they didn't know how it got in a town.

She avoided getting to close to any humans, getting to close to populated places, or getting to the point where someone could see her. Most of the time she stayed in the woods, or forest. For food she would hunt down an animal and shift back only to start a fire before shifting back into her tiger form. She would cook her food to were some was cooked but some wasn't. She had to keep hunting though because she needed to be able to feed her cub.

She kept her cub near her and never put her down out of fear that she would get hyper and run away like she's done before. She would find a place deep in the woods and sleep, before being on the run again. She needed to reach Alaska.

I was close to Alaska but very tired. For the past week every time I lay down my guard was up meaning that I never went to sleep; at least not fully to the point where I could truly rest. My paws were hurting and it was becoming hard to remain running but if I stopped running then it would take longer to reach Alaska, and be longer before I do get a true nights sleep.

So that how my life for the past week went. I would run, hunt, eat, sleep, then repeat it over again. I never really took a break, unless it was to feed my cub. Jasmine was beginning to get tired of the running. She was whining more, mewing, crying. It was beginning to toll on me that if I didn't reach Alaska soon then I would have to stop for a few days before continuing which wouldn't help considering the situation.

It was now time for me to hunt. But before hunting I would have to find a secure place where I could place Jasmine (her cub) before hunting. She couldn't really go with me during a hunt because it was to dangerous. I couldn't find a place so deciding that maybe I would have to make a place I sat her down only to have her run off. She was tired of me carrying her all the time. She didn't really get to move.

Running after her I took my paw and gently patted her so she would lay down and stop running. Her little chest was going fast under my paw, her heart beating fast. She had placed her small paws on my one big paw. She seemed happy. Removing my paw slowly away I watched her jump up and try to tackle it. Maybe just for a little bit I would let her play.

Not stopping her I rolled onto my stomach. She jumped on my back and was trying to bit at my ear. It wasn't painful, it was only a pinch. Nothing that would hurt me. My tiger was purring inside causing me to purr. It had been a while since me and my cub could just mess around. She was on my head trying to grab at my ear which resulted in her falling off of me. It was so cute how clumsy she was.

I could hear the familiar thumping of my tail as it happily hit the ground. It was a nice time whenever I could try to relax and let Jasmine be a cub. Since on the run I've been carrying her, barley ever letting her down.

By now she had noticed my tail and was chasing after it. Trying to get it under her paws. I purposely moved it around as she chased it. I could imagine her getting frustrated, but laughing. It would be a while before I was able to see her in her human form but that was an effect of how she was born. It would possibly be a few more years before she would turn into her human form. It was a lot of fun with her. She tripped a couple times but always got up and tried to tackle my tail.

Jasmine began to slow down and gave up chasing my tail as she walked over to me. I licked her head to show her love as she laid down in front of me. She curled up into a tiny ball and closed her eyes as she fell asleep. I gently picked her up before walking around some more. There had to be a place to put her. I reached a tree that had a hole in it a couple feet off the ground. I stood on my back legs as I placed my paws on the trunk for support.

Placing Jasmine in the small hole I knew she would be safe, mainly because I wouldn't be going that far away. I ran around for a little bit before catching the scent of a dear. Chasing after it I reached a clearing, the dear didn't sense me yet. Taking the dear I dragged it back to the tree I had placed Jasmine in.

Sitting the dear down I reached up and pulled Jasmine from the small hole laying her beside me. Once she was comfortable I shifted into my human form, quickly making a fire. On my neck was a hunting knife that I stole from a hunter that I passed. Even whenever I shifted it had no effect on me. It stayed hanging around my neck. That may seem weird considering I turn into a huge cat but there was this string that I bought a long time ago from some weird store. I don't remember the name of the store, but it was so long ago that it might not even exist anymore.

Taking the hunting knife off of the necklace I began to cut up the dear. Most of it would waste, considering I was only feeding myself but if some pieces cooked to a black enough color I could possibly make it to were I could save it as a jerky type of stuff. Placing the cut up pieces on a decent stick I placed them over the fire, or close to the flames.

It would take a while for the food to cook but after eating I would take a short nap before being on the run again.

I finished cutting the meat and waited for the meat to cook. After eating I would shift back into my tiger form and curl up around my cub as protection. during the time I laid down to sleep is the time that I would bring Jasmine close to my chest and curl up. She would be more protected and knowing that I was there she would sleep longer which would make the run easier on her. She would whine whenever I was running and she would be awake.

Time had passed and the meat was done. I don't know how long it was until the food was at least half way cooked before I took it off the sticks and began to eat it. There were some pieces that could be used as jerky because of how hard they were. They weren't burnt but were cooked to the point that they wouldn't spoil. Taking out a piece of cloth from my pocket I wrapped them up tying a not at the top before tying some of the string around it. This way whenever I shifted they would be able to be carried. I placed my hunting knife back in its container as I ate.

After eating I shifted back and laid down on my side and pulling my cub into my chest with my paw. Curling up with my tail wrapping around myself I close my eyes letting the little sleep I was able to get take over. My senses where still on high alert but it was a precaution. This was the closet thing to sleep that I could get.

N/A/ so who all liked that mother, cub scene lol

Good, bad, nice, confusing? How was it? Thanks to whoever is reading this. :)

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