Chapter 49

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Bella's Pov:

Alice and me decided it was best if we went and got Jasmine from Leah so she didn't have to watch her for the whole time we're gone. Going through the portal we headed into the castle finding Kate eating what looked like breakfast at one of the many tables in the dinning hall. Looking around I noticed Leah wasn't around. Kate noticed us a minute later and smiled before making her way towards us. She pulled me into a hug first then after pulling away she turned to Alice giving her a hug also. After greeting her I couldn't help but wonder why Leah wasn't around her. She noticed me looking around the dinning hall and gave a small smile.

"If you're looking for Leah she's in her room with jasmine. She said she'll be here a little later then usual. You can wait here till she comes down."

I nodded and me and Alice followed her back to where she was eating her breakfast,
"If you're hungry you're welcome to go get some food while you wait."

Looking at Alice I noticed her eyes darker then usual. She must have skipped hunting last night. Standing up I pulled her with me to the fridge that was to the right of the kitchen where they were cooking breakfast. Opening the cabinet I  grabbed a cup before moving to open the fridge where there was a pitcher of blood from the animals where roaming the land. The blood was drained for visiting vampires while the meat was used to cook dinner. Pouring a cup out i handed it to Alice.

"Thank you" she said giving me a small smile.

I smiled back nodding, "No problem. I'm going to go get some breakfast."

She nodded, waving me forward as I walked over where the breakfast was being cooked and served. The cook noticed me and smiled fixing a plate for me.

"What would you like to drink?"

Feeling in the mood for some type of juice I asked for a cup of orange juice before walking back over to where Kate sat finishing her plate of food.Sitting down bedside her with Alice on the opposite side of me i picked up some eggs on my fork.

Kate finished eating before turning to me, "Hows the thing with Rose going?"

I looked at her confused wondering how she knew what we were doing. Then I remembered that she can read my mind. Not in the creepy way but in the way as just checking up on me.

"Its going good. She's getting human functions. She can eat human food. Her hair grew some."

Kate nodded, "Its expected that she experience human changes. Though once the week is up the changes will bring her to a human standard until the baby is born then her body will take a week to go back to her vampire state."

I nodded, "We figured that she would go through some changes in order for her to be able to have a child."

"She has to be able to produce a child. Meaning she has to be able to do everything a mother can do."

I nodded as I continued to eat waiting for Leah to show up. Halfway through breakfast Alice stood up and went to the opposite side of Kate.

I looked at her confused but she turned to Kate and talked to low for me to hear. I wasn't worried. It was most likely part of the topic we were on earlier.

Looking up from my food I noticed as Leah walked in. Jasmine laid in her arms and her panther followed behind her. She got her breakfast and carried it with one hand as she turned to make her way to Kate only to stop in surprise whenever she made eye contact with me.

A moment later she smiled as she began making her way to me. Once she reached us she sat down by Kate. Standing us I pushed my plate so that i could sit beside her. Once seated I gently took Jasmine from her before holding her in my lap.  Leah gave a smile as she turned to face me.

"How come you're back before the end of the week was up?"

I glanced at Leah before looking down at Jasmine who was making small noises as she messed with my shirt, "Me and Alice decided since we may be gone longer then expected to come get Jasmine so you weren't stuck watching her."

Leah nodded before picking up some eggs on her fork, "I didn't mind watching her. I enjoyed it actually."

I nodded, "I'll keep that in mind for the future."

Leah gave a small chuckle before she turned as she started eating her breakfast. Hearing someone sit by me I gave a smile knowing it was Alice. Looking up I noticed her looking down at Jasmine with a look of happiness. It seems I'm not the only one who missed her.

"Do you want to hold her while I go get a book from the library?"

Alice looked up at me giving a breathtaking smile, "I would love to."

Smiling at her I stood up handing Jasmine to Alice who seemed to practically beam as soon as she was holding her. Kissing her on the cheek I turned and started towards the doors that would lead me towards the library. Giving a small glance behind me I seen Alice as she smiled down at Jasmine who was resting in her lap. Giving a small smile I turned towards and opened the doors. Walking down the halls and up the stairs I stopped at the library.

Once inside I began looking around for a certain book. It was the book Leah was telling me and Alice about. I wanted more information on how mating between a shifter and vampire worked. I was about to give up at finding it whenever I heard someone else enter the library. Turning I seen Leah who started heading straight towards me. Looking at her confused I raised an eye brow in question. Why was she here instead of in the dinning hall?

She gave a smile as she reached me, "Alice was wondering what was taking you so long. And I figured you were looking for that book I told you about so I figured why not help you out. Plus you've been up here for about an hour."

I gave a look of disbelief, "I've been in here for an hour?"

She nodded before walking past me into one of the iles of books, "Yup. So I figured you had no ideal where it was."

Following behind her I watched her reach up on the third shelf and pull out a medium sized book, it looked overused and old. She smiled before turning and handing it to me. Looking at the cover I sighed, of course she knew exactly where it was.

"Now that you have the book lets go back to the dining hall. I'm sure you have to head back soon."

I nodded tucking the book under my arm before following her out.

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