This can't be happening

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So to all reading this, I hope you like this chapter. I wish I could dedicate this to more than one person, but I also wanna dedicate this chapter to AjLlanas 

Alice's POV

Her family had been standing on the sidelines, watching the brawl that occurred. It was quite noticeable that Bella had the short end of the stick, but the current situation left the Cullens unable to choose a side.

Alice's face was stricken with worry, her arms no longer holding the small squirming cub. It was silent communication on her part, Rose seeming to understand and taking the cub away from her. Alice's body was tense, her fists clenching and unclenching.

However, with this normal group behind them, it made joining in on the fight difficult. Everything in her screamed to help Bella, but the idea of her family possibly engaging in a fight without her sickened her. Though whenever another wolf ran out to charge Bella it seemed that Emmett threw all caution to the wind.

Out of the whole family he has the biggest heart, leading him to take action over thought, rather it was because he cared for Bella or knew the family would be fine, is a question left unanswered. Carlisle yelled at him, trying to draw him away from the fight but it was too late. A group of wolves charged at him in retaliation, and like that, any worry about the nomads disappeared. The whole family ran into the middle of the shifters, the nomads left staring after them.

Alice followed, her main concern was to reach Bella, to help her before Jacob could do any more damage.

She was limping already, her normally white fur stricken with blood, a gash on her hind leg as well as various minor marks.

A random panther darted out in front of her, blocking her as it hissed at her, its hair standing up. It was smaller than the rest; though large enough to block her view of Bella. Alice responded with a hiss of her own, annoyance running high as she charged the shifter. A look of shock placed over its face as she easily evaded its giant paws, using the fact it had rained to her advantage as she slide underneath its strike. She would worry about the dirt later, but right now she was more focused on taking this thing down.

It made a quick turnabout before making the move to tackle her instead, its giant mouth barely avoiding her head. She dodges the oncoming teeth, allowing the large body to slam into hers as she uppercut its jaw. It made a noise in response but was unable to react as Alice grabbed one of its outstretched claws, effectively flipping the shifter on its back. It struggled to maneuver its body momentarily, giving Alice enough time to grab its rather fluffy tail and swing it in a circle, before releasing it. It would've been funny to watch from the sidelines, as the panther attempted to land on its feet only to off-center its balance in the process and make what would've been a soft landing even harder as its body seemed to roll out of control.

Alice spun her attention once more on looking for Bella. However, what greeted her made her heart leap into her throat as she watched her form go flying into a larger tree, struggling to move.

Within moments Alice was running towards her, ignoring on oncoming form as she gracefully avoided snapping teeth.

Her family still fighting the shifters, though from the looks of things the shifters were losing. It brought a sense of relief that lasted momentarily, vanishing at seeing Bella's condition. A puddle of blood was beginning to form, though where it was coming from was unknown. Her eyes were unfocused, almost staring through Alice, breathing heavily.

Alice rushed forward, wanting to help but unsure how to, her hands instantly reached out to run over the tiger's head. Her eyes scanned her body as she tried to offer what comfort she could, looking to find the reason for the blood loss.

The fighting seemed to become nothing more than background noise to her, her main focus was on Bella.

However, the sound of movement managed to draw her attention away, only to see Jacobs's large form charging at her. She saw red, her eyes flashing dangerously, feeling a strength she's never had before she charged forward meeting him head-on.

Her hands easily grasped the scruff of his neck as she jumped over him, his teeth attempting to follow, only to be slammed down as Alice landed, throwing him over her crouched form. He slammed into a wolf who growled and snapped at him in response. Jacob swiped at them, a gash forming on the wolf's face, before turning to glare Alice down.

She smirked tauntingly as she waved her hand towards him in a 'come and get me' motion. He growled before once again charging at her. She braced for it, watching as his giant paws hit the ground before making a dive toward her. It was easy to sidestep, Jacob slamming face-first into the ground. He had little time to react as she sent a deadly kick to his jaw, a crack being heard as he yowled. Her body avoided his claws as he tried to use his height against her, instead focusing on dealing as much damage as possible.

It wasn't soon after that his figure was sticky, covered in blood, his insides wrecked to hell as she was sure she'd broken some bones. She readied for another charge but what happened next surprised her.

He left out noise, similar to yowl, drawing the attention of all other shifters. Within moments they started to flee the scene, Jacobs from being the last to leave the clearing.

His eyes meet Alice's, a promise seeming to pass between them, she would kill him next time.

As they left she looked around to examine her family's conditions. Rose was nowhere to be seen, and in her mind, she'd hoped she fled during the fight. She knew Rose would be upset at missing out on the action, but she also knew she'd get over it. Emmett looked the happiest, a big goofy grin on his face, his outfit completely shredded but thankfully covering his manhood. He was the main one out of all of them that loved fighting. Everyone else, resembled him, though Edward oddly had nothing out of place, even his slicked-back hair. He smirked, though said nothing. Alice wondered how he managed to stay so clean and untouched.

Emmett groaned, puffing out his chest, "I didn't even get to do my new finisher move on them," a pout gracing his lips.

It broke the ice, the tension disappearing as everyone let out a small laugh.

However, before anyone could say anything else Alice remembered about Bella. She darted away, anxious as she reappeared by her side. She was still breathing. Alice let out a sigh of relief, though her worry was still very much present as she called for Carlisle.

He examined her for a moment, finding the reason for the bleeding, it was a long gash on her opposite side. Though, he had no equipment with him and worried that he wouldn't have the time to retrieve it, plus he didn't want to stay out there any longer. The joy of baseball loss, everyone wearing new battle scars. Nodding he gestured for the boys to come forward, it was agreed that they would help carry Bella back to the house.

Upon his command the boys helped grasp the large tiger, helping transport her to the house where Carlisle could work his magic.

Alice remained standing in the clearing, taking a deep breath, the nomad's scent was old, though very much still trackable. It worried her though, knowing they had fleed the scene and the fact that Rose had left by herself. That worry caused her to spin around, quickly locating her car and speeding away, the other vehicles left to retrieve another day. 

N/A So how is it? Do you like it? Hate it? bad? good?

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