Bella's Story

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AN: So unlike most chapters this is going to be all in italic because it's going to be talking about the past. This chapter is going to be completely focused on Bella and the past so Alice will not be mentioned.

It was any other day, I was headed to school and was going to meet up with my best friend. Who also was the only person who treated me normal. We would always meet in the woods, not to far from school so no one would be there to bother us. Today felt different though. I walked through the woods looking around at the trees that hung above me. Getting to the spot where my friend, Jackie would meet me I noticed she wasn't there. I glanced around confused only to notice a new figure. I could feel the power radiating off of them, causing my inner animal to freeze up and move to the back of my mind. 

I knew who this person was. It was the Alpha of the pack, Jakob. He'd been trying to get with me for a long time, and the more he got turned down the more persistent he was. Always stating his claim over me, and saying that one day I would be his. I felt a shiver of fear trail up my spine as I quickly looked around. Jackie was no where in sight, I was completely alone.

"So, Bella, I'm guessing you know why I'm here."

"I'm not yours." I tried to say with as much confident as possible, but the waver in my voice was there.

He chuckled spinning around facing me, a smirk on his face, "Oh yes you are. See, I told you one day I would claim you and thats what I intend to do. You enchant me Bella, and because of that I want you and you will accept that fact or else I will have to make you see the truth."

My inner animal was buried away deep in my mind, meaning it wouldn't be here to save me this time. 

"Alpha, I do not wish to be yours, and by the law of the pack you can only put claim on your mate."

He laughed, "Oh no, see I talked to the previous Alphas about me being allowed to have you, since no one cares much for you they agreed, so yes Bella I can put my claim and I will. Rather you like it or not."

I gapped, he had down it. I backed away upon hearing this, if he was given such permission no one would stop him from taking his claim on me. His smirk widened at this as he stepped towards me, causing me to stumble into a tree. I was trapped.

"Now, Bella, I wish for you to bear my children, and give the pack the next Alpha. I do hope you come willing but if you do not, I will be forceful. Now, you have a moment to choose. I will wait as you do. But I will not leave until then."

I didn't want to have his children, he was evil, showed no kindness. But he always got what he wanted no matter what. He was the Alpha after all. 


His smirk dropped and his now relaxed face turned hard, "What'd you say?"

His voice was hard, and rough. Anger evident.

"No. I do not want to bear your children."

He growled, eyes flashed yellow before he grabbed my neck and shoved me into the tree, "You will accept my claim or  I will force it upon you!"

He growled, face close to mine, eyes glowing yellow as his wolf came to the surface. I chocked and grabbed his arm, my breath running low. Whenever I started to loose my ability to breath he dropped me. Gulping in breath he grabbed me by my hair, pulled me up, and slammed my back into the tree as he grabbed one of my legs, pulled me up and pushed his full body against mine. His excitement was evident as he pressed into me.

"Now, one more chance. Say yes and I will be kind, say no and you will become my personal pet."

My back hurt, my throat was sore, but I didn't want this. Any of this. I wanted to wait for my mate, for them to come and be with them, not someone who wasn't my mate. He seemed to know my answer before I even opened my mouth to speak. He growled, face hard and anger filled before he got what he wanted. 

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