Untitled Part 62

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Kate's POV:

It felt like forever before he exited the office and explained the situation to everyone. He said Alice was brought inside with Bella still in her arms, she went straight to Carlisles office to sit her down. She didn't leace the office until Carlisle came back. Once he was back he had pushed Alice from the room where Bella laid on the table, still unconcious. Alice put up a fight, her instincs kicking in. I helped to calm her down some, she later agreed to wait outside the room. Carlisle explained that if Alice stayed in the room she'd have to watch everything he did to Bella, he would have to fix anything that was broken and stitch all cuts. He didn't think she could stand to watch it happen. So instead of fighting, she remained outside the office, pacing back and forth.

It felt like forever before he exited the office and came to the living room where we all waited anxiously. He sighed before explaining everything.

"She's stable now, I had to place her in a induced comma to try and give her body some peace and time to heal. Its weird but she's not healing herself, like normal shifters would whenever injured. By putting her into a comma I hope to give her body some time to heal by taking away the preasure off her body by not making it do two things at once. This way it can focus on healing instead of the normal bodily functions. Until she heals its best that she remains in her comma, if she wakes up theres a chance that she won't survive. Her body is already so weak with the blood lost and pain that she might not be able to handle it. This is the best thing for her at the moment."

Alice didn't say anything in response, she stood up and walked into the office. Closing the door behind her we heard her lightly talking to Bella. I sighed and turned towards the door whenever it opened. In came jacob. I walked towards him and grabbed him by his neck, picking him up and taking him to the basement where I then proccedded to tie him up and torture him.

Torture wasn't my thing but it was time he had a taste of his own medicine. I beat his face in repeadily, till he was unrecognizable. He had multiple cuts on his bod as I was tempted to make him die by a thousand cuts. At the moment I was working on cutting at his face, doing the same damage he did to Bella.

It was hours before he gave in.

"I'll tell you what you want to know, just stop with the cutting, please!"

I grinned and nodded, "Go on before I change my mind."

He nodded quickly and started to tell his story, "After Bella told me to leave I travelved, I was trying to change. But this lady, she was dark and goregous and she drew me in. Told me about Bella and how she wronged me. Told me to kill her. I was against it at first but then I realized the truth. Bella took my daughter! Jazz is mine! I don't care what you say, she is mine. And I wanted her back, but I couldn't get her back without Bella being out of the picture. So I made a deal with the Dark Queen. She gave me this stuff to put on my claws, something that would cause wounds to fail to heal. She told me how if I did this for her she would make sure I lived a nice life, with me and my daughter. She promised her protection. So I agreed to kill Bella. I don't care what happens, I didn my mission. Now with Bella gone your heir to the thrown is gone, meaning if you die your kingdom dies with you. The Dark Queen is coming soon, and she won't be nice. She has many people, many servents, like me, who will die for her."

I growled and stabbed him in the stomach, yanking the knife up quickly causing his stomach to split open. He laughed as he died, and I stood there growling. There's no cure for that potion he spoke of, we can only hope her body can fight off the posion. If it can't she'll die. If it does she'll be left with scars, but at least she'll be alive.

Rushing up the stairs I told the family about everything Jacob said, Alice listened in from the office as I spoke. Everyone agreed that they would need to prepare for a fight. I would return to my kingdom to warn them about what has happened and hope that we can manage to kill the Dark Queen.


Alice's POV:

I listened as Kate talked to my family, I had listened whenever Jacob had said what he did. Leaning down towards Bella I kissed her cheek and buried my face in her neck. My hand gripped hers as my body shook with sobs, my eyes burning with tears that couldn't be shed.

"I can't lose you Bella, you're my everything, without you I'll be nothing. I can't live without you, so please, please, don't give up. You have to fight this, you have to live. I love you Bella, if you can hear me, don't give up, don't leave me. I know its selfish of me, you're probably in so much pain right now but please, it'll all be worth it in the end."

Leaning away from her I brushed her hair behind her ear, leaning my head against my arm as I watched her chest move. Tubes surrounded her, IV's hooked to her. Her body was damaged badly, multiple bandages were wrapped around her, covering the cuts that were recently stitched. Half her face was covered, covering the worst cut of them all. I kissed the back of her hand, holding it to my face as my body shook even more.

"Don't leave us."

AN: Hey.. sorry for the late update, I know its been a few weeks. hope you liked it, if not give your input on how to make it better

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2019 ⏰

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