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Bella's POV:

She didn't know if Alice would truly wake up but she trusted this woman, even if she didn't know her. Moving to stand by Alice she took her hand feeling regretful. Whenever she woke up and seen her she was beyond mad, she couldn't stop the anger she felt. The last thing she remembers seeing is Alice with Jasper. Every time she thought about it a sharp pain went straight to her heart, like someone was stabbing her.

But through all the anger she never meant to harm Alice. Glancing at Alice's arms she seen the marks she had made. She didn't understand how she managed to hurt Alice as bad as she did. Hearing a noise behind her she seen the woman that was helping Alice heal. She had Jasmine in her arms. Sighing in relief Bella walked over to her taking Jasmine from her arms. She felt happy that she was safe. Looking up at the woman she felt a swarm of questions.

"Who are you?"

The woman smiled, "I am Katerina, the Queen of Werecats."

"The Queen? I didn't know there was one."

"Yes, it is because not many like me. They worship the King and not the Queen."

Bella stared at her, "There's a King?"

"Yes, but see I'm on the light side, he's the dark. He chooses to be evil and create war while I choose to be light and keep the peace."

"Why am I here?"

"I thought that was obvious. I woke you up, with the help of your mate of course."

Nodding Bella looked down at Alice, "Why help?"

She heard shuffling behind her before Katerina stood on the opposite side from her, "You're going to take my place."

"What?" Bella looked up at her shocked, "Take your place?"

"Yes. You're a pure one, not to mention gifted. Whenever I step down as Queen you shall take my place."

"No," She said shaking her head, "I cant be a Queen."

"Well not yet you cant be, you're going to have to be trained first and be taught but after you are fit to be Queen you're taking my place so that I may step down."

"But I can't. There's nothing special about me."

Katerina smiled at Bella, "Nothing special? You're a white tiger, one that is meant to be Alpha and one that is gifted with powers. You are very special."

"But -"

"No but's. You're taking my place because there are no others to do so. Now sense your inner tiger was fully awakened you will have to stay here. With it being awake she will be harder to control, so you have to stay to learn control and how to defend yourself."

Bella felt overwhelmed, "This is to much to take in."

Katerina nodded looking down at Alice, "Yes, for most it is. You may think about it but even if you disagree to being Queen you can't leave until you have learned control."

Katerina knew that after Alice woke up that Bella would feel much better with the ideal of becoming Queen. She had to. It was a lot to take in but she had no choose in the matter. She was destined to take her place in the world and be the Queen of Werecats.

"Do you have anymore questions?"

Bella nodded setting Jasmine beside Alice on the bed, "Yes. How did I manage to hurt Alice?"

"Your power. Its fire. Fire is very dangerous to Vampires, that is why she was so effected by it. She'll heal and the marks may even go away too but it is just a possibility.

"My power is fire.."

Katerina nodded, "Yes. Would you like to know mine?"

Bella nodded curious.

"Mine are wind, controlling of the mind, portals -"

"Portals? Mind control?" Bella was beyond surprised.

Katerina chuckled, "Yes. I can send a thought to your mind and you will believe it as though it is your own memory. I can manipulate the wind to do as I wish. And travel the world using portals by a simple thought. You will be able to make portals and control peoples minds too."

Bella couldn't believe it, she seemed like Edward with the mind controlling thing but she couldn't believe that she'll be able to do that. She wanted to ask more questions but a mumbling stopped her. She looked down at Alice and seen her eyes flickering from open to closed. Alice was waking up!

Authors note: Sooo what do you guys think? I will try to update as often as possible so don't give up on my book.

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