Helping Alice

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Katerina's POV:

She watched as Alice slumped against the wall that Bella was holding her against, her eyes closed and her body only being supported by Bella's hands that were visibly scaring her arms. Wrapping her arms around Bella's waist she pulled her off of Alice watching as Alice fell to the floor. Bella growled and struggled against her hold. Tightening her grip on her she sent waves of calm to her but she only seemed to struggle more her growl getting louder.

Kat felt her arm start to burn as Bella gripped her sending her power through her. Growling out Kat loosened her grip on her waist only to spin Bella around and bare her teeth at her feeling her eyes glow as her tiger came close to the surface. She needed Bella to see that she was the boss and she needed to bow down. Bella seemed to take it as a challenged because she growled back, her own eyes flashing a purple color. She was alpha blood, each rank had a different color with purple being alpha.

Having enough she took Bella by the neck, knowing it wouldn't hurt her by much, and slammed her into the floor beneath before letting out a loud growl. She was straddling her stomach using one knee to hold one of Bella's arm down while using her free hand to hold the other down. She stared down at Bella growling, her chest vibrating. Seeming to understand that she would not win Bella's growling subsided slightly. Moving her hand from her neck she forced her to turn her head and look to where Alice lay, eyes closed, unconscious.

"Stop this game and actually notice what you're doing! I am tired of this crap! Now either you stop of I am going to knock you out just to stop you from causing anymore harm!"

Bella stopped growling and stared at Alice who lay on the ground unmoving. Kat had enough and was starting to get beyond pissed off. Breathing deeply she slowly loosened her grip on Bella. After waiting a moment for her to make a move of attach she stood up from her and walked over to Alice crouching down to examine her.

She noticed the marks that were on Alice's upper arm noticing its where Bella had ahold of her. Hearing a small noise from behind her she tensed spinning around only to relaxe after noticing the look of despair on Bella's face.

"I did that to her.."

She spoke in the most broken voice causing Kat to feel much sympathy towards her. Shaking her head she lifted Alice up walking her to the bed that Bella was once laying on.

"You were not in control of your actions, don't blame yourself."

"I hurt her!" Bella basically growled out angry at herself.

Sighing Kat walked over to her, "Yes, you did. But she hurt you also. She will heal, now you can stay here while I go to get some blood as to help her heal."

Bella shook her head, "No, I would like to go with you."

Walking over to the door Kat opened it and walked out hearing Bella follow. Walking down the halls she could feel the remorse coming from her companion. Deciding that after she got the blood for Alice she would explain to Bella about her powers. Going into the kitchen she went to a separate fridgrator that held food for her many visitors. Grabing a bag of blood she headed back to the room that Alice was in.

Entering the room she opened the bag of blood before walking over to the bed where Alice was. Opening Alice's mouth she dumped little by little bits of blood into her mouth. Once it was all out of the bag she looked over to Bella who was watching her.

"What do we do now?"

Sighing Kat looked down at Alice, "We have to wait, it may take a while for her to heal considering the marks are as bad as they are."

Bella wore a guilty face but nodded either way, "She's going to hate me."

Kat wanted to laugh because of what she said but knew better so she just shook her head.

"She won't."

"She will though, why wouldn't she?"

"Because she loves you. Just wait for her to wake up."

"...If she wakes up..."

Kat listened to the doubtful voice Bella had but said nothing, only looking down at Alice hoping that she would heal fast.

Authors note: Sooo good? Or Bad? Tell me your opinions? :)

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