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N/A/ So this chapter is going to be different at the start

Jakob's POV (Surprise, Merry Christmas my lovely readers)

     He was beyond pissed. How dare she! That cub was his, it was his sperm that made it. It was he who took Bella's virginity. He gave her that cub and yet she takes it from him. She had no right! He was going get his revenge. Oh yes. He already had a plan that was about to move into action.

    One way or another he was going to get his cub back. He should've choose someone else to beer his child. He could've choose someone else but no, he choose her. He had to choose her. He thought because she was special that she would obey, that she wouldn't fight him. 

    But she did fight him. She clawed at him, scratched him, yelled, screamed, cried, she even tried kicking him. She made it to where he had to tie her up. He even had to gag he mouth. But this isn't the most messed up part. The messed up part is that once it was done and he untied her and took the gag from her mouth she got up and shifted and ran. She ran from him.

    But whenever she came back he made her pay. Then he tied her up again, placed the gag back in her mouth and "punished" her. He made her cry. He broke her to the point where she wasn't supposed to fight back. No matter how bad he punished her she always fought. 

    Then not even two months ago she ran away. She was so close to having his child and she ran. He searched for her, he wanted her to give birth and then he was going to get rid of her. He only wanted a kid. But she had to make it difficult. She had to run off into the woods with his child and not come back. 

     Now, he was out of patience. He was tired of the games. He was tired of playing cat and mouse. All he wanted was his kid, and he'd do anything to get her back. His pack knew of the plan and all agreed saying she stole his child. They believed him. Now his pack were all getting ready for the plan to go into motion. 

    Jakob had noticed something in the clearing. He seen it and now he was going to win. He was going to get his child back. If he had to kill Bella himself he would. No matter what, he was going to take his baby and leave Bella to die. Bella had left her own kind. She was no longer one of them, she was a traitor in his and his packs eyes. 

    He smiled as he heard the door open and his beta came out.

   "Yes Sam?"

    "Were ready sir'."

    Jakob smiled evilly and stood, "Good. Bring the plan in motion."

    Sam nodded and left the room as Jakob began to smile as if he was a crazy person. He was holding a picture of Baby Bella (bella's baby picture). He was going to get his revenge. He threw the picture against the wall and watched it shatter. He only had one thought in his mind.

    You better be ready Bella, because i'm coming for you.

N/A/ Dun dun dun! Is it good? Does this answer your questions about Jakob? I know it's short but it's because I'm still thinking of what he shall do.

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