Cat's outta the bag

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Alice POV

Half of us were facing the big animals, while the other half were facing the nomads. Alice was trying to think of a solution, her visions failing her at the moment, as she looked for a way out of the fight. Edward seemed to be reading the nomad's minds, trying to figure out if they were going to attack first, while Jasper seemed to be strategizing. 

Edward spoke first, "I can't read them, it's blurry, and almost sticky feeling, like I'm walking through tar."

Alice looked over at him, confused, "At all?"

He shook his head, "I'm getting nothing from them, I don't know what they want."

Before Alice could press anymore Jasper interrupted them, "There's too many, them and the nomads, we can't fight both right now. We're pinned in the middle, it's not great positioning."

Edward seemed to agree, as he looked towards Carlisle; who was opposite of Alice, "Carlisle?"

Carlisle looked at them, turning away from the nomads momentarily, "We'll figure it out. Just wait."

Before they could continue conversing the snapping of a branch drew their attention back to the animals, where the black panther was making its move.

It stepped forward, shifting into a man along the way. In front of the animals stood a man, he had no shirt on, though thankfully he had shorts. He was tan, almost as big as Emmett, with a buzz cut. His body was tense, and his arms were spread out as he yelled.

"Bella, get over here now!"

Alice and her family looked around confused, though it only clicked for her who Bella was. It was the new girl from school, the one who had caused those confusing feelings in her, and the one who put Jessica in her place. The nomads had tensed up since the shifters showed up, at least Alice assumed shifters since the panther was now a man. A man was currently taking slow steps towards them, the rest of the 'pack' staying behind.

"Bella, get away from those monsters and get over here now! That is my cub you stole, and I want her back!" He growled out, a sound that was echoed by the 'pack'.

It was as if it all clicked in Alice's head, as she looked down at the tigress, the small cub between her legs. The tigress was looking at the man with fear, her hair no longer spiked up. The familiar scent, the eyes, why Alice recognized her. Stepping towards the tigress Alice drew her attention towards her and away from the man.

"Bella?" Alice asked softly.

The tigress looked at her, making eye contact, the same brown eyes with a green hue stared up at her. Her brothers and sisters gasped, understanding the situation. Though, their surprise didn't last long as a loud yowl echoed through the clearing, the man becoming impatient as his eyes narrowed.

"Now Bella!" His body was noticeably shaking, and his teeth snarred.

Alice stood there, unsure of what was going on, and what she should do, her chest felt tight at the aspect of Bella leaving but her feeling of anger was stronger, she wanted to hurt this man. Pushing that to the back of her mind she decided to prioritize keeping Bella here, and safe, as opposed to killing this man.

Bella's POV:

Bella felt a wave of fear travel down her spine, her otherwise hostile disposition now submissive. The man standing across this field was anything but gentle, he was ruthless, and he enjoyed causing pain. He was the reason she had a baby at such a young age, but Bella had been running for so long, and every time he find her he delivers a punishment. Every time he gives her the choice to come back with him, or the next one will be worse, and every time she continues running. The only reason she's still alive is that each time he finds her the cub is gone, hidden for the moment. Letting out a low whimper as she moved in his direction.

However, before she could get far Alice moved in front of her, "Bella, no, you can't." Alice pleaded.

Bella looked at her, letting out a sad noise. The last time they fought he had seriously injured her, and now he had the pack with him, she wouldn't be able to survive it this time around. She couldn't leave her cub, and she wouldn't let him have her. She'll protect her baby, and if that means returning to him, she will. Alice needed to see this, that at school she may be tough but she couldn't win every fight. She needs Alice to understand.

Bella used her nose to push against Alice, signaling her to move. However, it was like pushing a brick wall, she refused to move.

Alice's hands held her face, "You can stay here with us, you don't have to go back."Bella whimpered at the sight of Alice, she wished the words she was saying were true. Bella licked her hand, her sad eyes looking up at Alice's pleading ones. Pushing past her Bella picked her cub up in her mouth.

Seeing Bella moving towards him the man smiled a warm, yet sickening smile, his eyes looking pure evil. She knew that look. Looking behind her Bella saw Alice holding Rose's hand. Turning back around Bella made eye contact with him, she was closer to him, his arms outstretched. She stopped a few feet before him, standing still as she stared him down. He smiled, bending down, waiting.

"Get over here! I want my little girl!" He growled out, patience wearing thin; he never could stand waiting.

She growled back, letting her cub down, his smile growing as he watched. He probably thought she was sending her over to him, but in the back of her mind, she had a plan.

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