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N/A/ I know this update is really late but I've been really busy so sorry but here is the update. Thanks to whoever is reading this.

Alice's POV

      Alice walked down the stairs away from Bella who was now sleeping in the guest room. She was happy that she was okay, but worried because she couldn't see what Jakob was deciding to do. She didn't know if he was going to attack or give up. She was scared because she knew that if he made a plan she wouldn't be able to help, and the thought of Bella getting hurt terrified her. She didn't like Bella getting hurt, it scared her everytime she did. 

     Alice was confused though. She didn't know why she cared about Bella in such a strong way. She didn't know if it was because of her having a child that made her feel the need to protect her, or if it was the fact that maybe Alice turned to having feelings for Bella. Maybe she can ask Jasper and he can tell her what she is feeling. But then that'll be weird and he'll wonder why she cares so much. 

     Alice sighed and sat down on the couch. Her family were either out hunting or in their soundproof rooms ignoring life and spending time with their mates. She looked down at the floor sadly. She wanted a mate like the rest of her family. But anytime she looks into the future she's not able to see her mate. She's annoyed that everyone in her family has someone but she's been alone for all this time. 

      She knew it wasn't their fault. She knew that it was just meant to be but she wanted a mate. Someone she could love and be with. She had started to give up on the thought of her even being blessed with a mate knowing that it would most likely not happen. She glanced down at the door wanting to run away from it all. 

     Standing up she walked to the back door and opening it she ran outside. She wanted to get away and have time to think. Running into the snowy forest she began to head to her favorite place. It was her favorite meadow in the forest.

Bella's POV

      Bella woke up with a start. She felt a painful twist in her stomach. Jolting up she looked around and noticed that her cub was gone. Jumping up she began to panick. Throwing the blankets around and searching everywhere she couldn't find her. She closed her eyes and reached out trying to contact her mind link to her cub but she didn't feel her.

      Oh no... that only meant one thing. The one person able to block her from contacting her cub is Jacob. She growled jumping out the window in the room and shifting into her tiger form. She ran to her old home. She swore to never return but now she had no choice. If she didn't get her cub back then she won't know what'll happen to her. 

N/A/ I know this is short but I'll make the next chapter longer. Thanks for reading!

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