Good Morning

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Bell's POV:

Waking up I groaning and buried my face in my very comfortable pillow. Cuddling into it I started falling back to sleep. But then something shook me out of it. My pillow was moving. Not only was it moving but it was laughing. Opening my eyes I moved my face only to see what I was laying on. I jumped up in surprise only to see Alice laying under me laughing. Groaning in embarrassment I tried to hide my blush behind my hair.

I can't believe I was cuddling into Alice's breasts. Then again that wasn't bad, shaking those thoughts away I couldn't help but find the situation a little funny. Alice was sure having fun.

After she stopped laughing I finally looked up to see her just smirking at me, "Am I really that comfortable?"

Ignoring the rising heat in my cheeks I tried to cover it up with a smile, "Very comfortable."

She raised her eyebrow at me before breaking out into a grin. Sitting up she jumped out of bed, "Good. Now come on."

Groaning I sat up, "Where are you going?"

Alice looked back at me as she opened her door, "Downstairs. Aren't you coming?"

"But why?"

She just shook her head at me and leaned against the open door, "Are you going to sit there and tell me you're not hungry?"

I went to protest but my growling stomached interrupted me. She just looked at me with a look that screamed 'I told you so.' Sighing I stood up from the overly comfortable bed before following Alice down to the kitchen. At first, I was confused whenever I walked in only to see Alice already grabbing food from the fridge.

"Are you cooking?"

She looked at me as she started to grab a pan, "Yeah, why?"

Shaking my head at her I grabbed the pan from her and pointed to the chair, "You're not making breakfast for me."

She smiled while taking the pan back, "Oh I know. Its actually lunch time."

Looking over at the time distracted me enough for her to move past me and start placing food on the stove. Spinning around I growled.

"Alice, it's only eight."

She shrugged, "I know."

"Why won't you let me cook for myself?"

She turned around glancing at me, "I like cooking, even if the food smells horridness."

Shaking my head at her I laid my head on the kitchen table, my eyes resting closed, "Fine, you can cook."

I could hear her laugh lightly but my mind decided to run off with me. The smell of bacon and eggs wafting through the air. Sighing I couldn't help but feel content.

That was until I realized that the house was empty. I jumped up, almost knocking over the chair. Alice looked at me worriedly but after seeing my face she seemed to understand.

"Esme took her out in the woods for a bit, she's sitting out back not too far from the house. She really does love Jasmine, and she'll probably take her from you even more whenever she turns into her natural form. Which is next month right?"

I nodded relaxing after realizing she wasn't far, "Yeah, on her birthday."

Alice nodded before turning off the stove and placing some food on a plate. Walking over to sit by me she moved the food over to me. Thanking her I took a bit from the bacon and couldn't help but moan at the taste, I really do love bacon. Feeling Alice looking at me I glanced at her and blushed.

"Is it really that good?" She asked, general curiously ringing out.

I nodded, "You're a very good cook."

She smiled for a moment, "So whenever you bite me, is that going to happen for me?"

Looking at her confused I placed the piece of bacon I was currently munching on down, "Is what going to happen?"

She picked up some eggs on a fork and looked at it for a while before looking back at me, "Will I be able to eat normal food?"

I smiled before nodding, "Of course, then you'll finally know how great of a cook you are."

She just chuckled at me before handing me the fork, "Hurry up and eat. I want to go hang out with Jasmine some before you decide to pass out on me again."

"Haha very funny, it's not my fault you're so soft."

She just shook her head at me and let me finish the rest of the eggs and bacon. Once I was done she did the dishes, even though I argued against it.

Following her outside I couldn't help but dwell on the subject, "Does Esme know?"

Alice looked at me, "She does, that's probably the main reason she's been so... as people so glowing lately. Plus last night she dashed in the room while you were sleeping, only to dash back out and come back with a camera-"

"Wait, Esme took a picture of me while I was sleeping?"

Alice just smiled, "Yup, you were in the same position as this morning to. Oh, did I mention she's getting it framed and putting it on the family picture wall?"

I just gapped at her, Esme's light laughter ringing through the trees. Groaning I continued to follow after Alice. I had a pout on my face for a bit but as soon as Jasmine came into sight it was quickly wiped away. I missed my baby, even though it was technically only a day.

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