Chapter Twenty-Four: Hidden Power Unleashed

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-June 18, 9:06 AM, Hokage Compound-

In Training Ground One behind the Mansion, Tsunade trained Sakura to improve her Taijutsu and increase her chakra capcity. As they exchanged attacks Tsunade thought back to three days ago when Naruto returned from Cloud, what he said still made her smile. Tsunade suddenly jumped back. "Stop Sakura... that kick was impressive, was that planned or did you just come up with it, I barely managed to block it and your punches." Tsunade asked.

Sakura smiled. "I planned it Tsunade-sensei, thanks to your special training I can do two things at once. That's how I could focus on my punches and throw that kick without looking down and giving away my attack, it was confusing at first, but I'm use to having two images in my head at once. Is this how Jounin, and others like you and Jiraiya are able to... ohhh I feel strange" Sakura said then wobbled and dropped to her knees.

Tsunade was worried for a moment and was about to move when she saw it and smiled. "Sakura look at your necklace, it's glowing."

The feeling faded as fast as it appeared, then Sakura looked down and saw the red glow through her shirt. Using the chain she lifted it out and held it up. "Tsunade-sensei, what's happening, why is it glowing?" The ruby 'leaves' of the two inch Cherry Blossom Tree on her necklace had a bright but warm red glow.

Tsunade walked to Sakura and kneeled so she faced her apprentice, her expression serious. "Sakura, there's something I need to tell you... your family, the Haruno... were a clan once, you have a Kekkei Genkei."

Sakura's eyes opened wider than you'd of thought possible. "I have a what?" Sakura said, stunned.

"That's what your Grandmother didn't get to tell Sakari, that's the secret of the Cherry Blossom Tree pendent, your family used it to unlock your ability... it's called Gemini." Tsunade said and waited for Sakura to absorb it.

Sakura just sat there and looked at Tsunade and her necklace for a few moments, then gasped as it occurred to her. "That's what she is, I thought everyone was like this!"

Tsunade smiled. "You mean Inner Sakura, we don't have that, only you... she's also how you were able to break Ino's mind transfer jutsu during the Chuunin Exams three and a half years ago, no one at that level should be able to break it, but you could because you have two minds."

"Two minds... Ohhhhh now everything makes sense, the exams, why I can talk to myself, why I didn't faint at Naruto's housewarming party when you flashed your... chest, Inner Sakura fainted, I didn't. So Naruto-kun knows I have this?" Sakura said.

Tsunade nodded. "Hai, since we found it getting ready for the houswarming party."

"So that's why Hinata-chan hugged and kissed me, she saw, she knows doesn't she?" Sakura said.

"Hai. Hinata knows you have something special in you, and knew it had to be a Kekkei Genkei. She can see something in people that have them, her Kitsune chakra enhanced her Byakugan, she can see more that just chakra now. Do you want to take the test now, or wait?" Tsunade said.

Sakura was confused. "Test? What do you mean Tsunade-sensei?" Sakura said.

"I knew your grandmother Sakura, she was one of my close friends, as was Hana, Hinata's mother, it's also why I accepted you and her as my apprentices, I would of refused anyone else. You see Sakura, to activate your Gemini ability you must pass a test, that's what the pendant does within your mind. This is a mental ability but it takes a great deal of chakra to activate, that's why I've been training you so hard to build up your chakra capacity, and since you got the pendant, to think like that. So Sakura, do you want to try now, or wait?" Tsunade asked.

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