Chapter Thirty-Four: The Chosen

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Author's Note: Chapter 33 was edited slightly for plot reasons, please be sure you've read it before continuing. Remember, pay attention to what characters say and do, I like to give little clues/hints to upcoming chapters events. Oh, 6 chapters to the wedding. Enjoy.

-August 3, 6:18 PM, Namikaze Mansion. Main Hall-

Naruto let Hanami hug him as long as she wanted, which turned out to be about two minutes, before she stepped back.

"Where's Tsunade-sama?" Tenten said.

Naruto's face turned serious. "Everyone sit." Naruto said seriously.

Everyone knew he hadn't asked, he'd told them to sit... something big was coming, everyone but Hinata and Sakura obeyed. They all watched Naruto, curious.

Naruto glanced at Hinata a moment, then smiled briefly, turned to Sakura and whispered in her ear.

After he'd finished Sakura thought a moment then nodded.

"Tsunade-chan is home resting and won't be back tonight, Shizune is with her. Tsunade almost killed herself trying to save Ouka... since I met her about four years ago I've never seen Tsunade so upset or push herself so hard, she nearly exhausted her chakra... and it was my fualt." Naruto said, sighed sadly and looked at the floor a moment. "Ouka had a severe heart attack that did a lot of damage to her heart, even Tsunade and Sakura couldn't heal her... and she almost died beyond even my ability to save her... I'm sorry if you hate me for this, but the only way to save her was to Mark her."

'Naruto-kun you don't...' Hinata thought to Naruto.

'No Hinata, don't try to protect me. I'll take full responsibility. I could of stopped anything that happened and didn't... you know that. I'm sorry Hinata-chan but this time I will not let you protect me.' Naruto thought to Hinata, then looked at Sakura.

Sakari and Hanami stood, obviously shocked, but kept their composure.

Hanami stepped up to Naruto and stopped inches from him. "Naruto-sama... what, happened to my mother?" Hanami said as calmly as she could, but her churning emotions showed on her face.

'Can I show them?' Hinata thought to Naruto.

Naruto gave Hinata a slight nod.

Hinata nodded back. "I've been Marked by Naruto-kun... he had to do it a few months ago when I was attacked and stabbed through the heart... this is what it did to me." Hinata said, then dropped her henge, turned to the side and pulled the side collar of her shirt down to show the Mate Mark. "This is the Mate Mark, I got this when Naruto bit me there and made me his mate so we can be married and have children. I've loved him with all my heart since we first met at the Academy, and I love him even more now that we're mated and can share our thoughts."

The Haruno's gasped in shock, but nothing like when they first saw Naruto. They all stood and walked to Hinata to see her better.

Before they reached her Sakura stepped between them and Hinata. "I have to tell you something... whatever your feelings are, please don't do or say anything against Hinata-chan. Naruto-kun is very protective of her. When Hinata-chan was attacked, it took me, Tayuya, Kurenai and Anko to keep him from destroying the village while Tsunade did everything she could to find a tiny spark of life left in Hinata. Naruto loves me and Konoha almost as much as he does Hinata, but if she'd died he would of destroyed the village and killed everyone in it. Please, don't be afraid of Naruto or Hinata because of how they look, they're the kindest, most caring people I've ever met... I'm a better person for knowing him, he's saved me and Konoha many times." Sakura said, glanced back at Naruto and Hinata, then stepped aside.

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