Chapter Forty-Two: Naruto's Den

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-October 1, 4:52 PM, Main Hall, Namikaze Mansion-

Hinata hugged and kissed Kurenai, then smiled at her and Anko as she thoughtfully rubbed her own stomach below her huge breasts. "I'm next Kurenai-chan." Hinata said with a contented smile, she'd changed out of her wedding dress after most of the guests had left.

Kurenai smiled and gently rubbed her own slightly bulged belly. "Six more months and I'll be a mother..." Kurenai sighed contentedly and smiled. "You'll be a great mother Hinata-chan, I can't wait for the day I can sit with you in the flower garden and watch our kids play together." Kurenai said contentedly, turned to Tsunade on her right, Naruto faced her. "Tsunade-sama, are you sure about Hinata? I know she's a kitsune now, but..."

Tsunade raised a hand to stop Kurenai. "I'm sure, I researched it extensively with Shizune, Naruto and Kyuubi, though I will still check her regularly, Hinata will only be pregnant six months instead of nine, as will I, Sakura and Tayuya. Kyuubi told me this is normal for kitsune women, natural or marked, this is one of the traits left over from long ago, like the enhanced senses. Speaking of kitsune I'll have to get Tsuyubare to teach me some kitsune jutsu... I assume there's an Earth version of that Kitsune Guardian jutsu?"

Hinata giggled with her hands over her mouth. "Hai, Tsunade-chan. You should of talked to Tsuyubare about their jutsu after she was assigned to you, like I did." Hinata said, then reached over and patted Tsunade's shoulder when she hung her head for not doing something so obvious.

Tsunade raised her head. "Thank you Hinata, I just feel stupid because I forgot something so obvious, even Sakura and Tayuya did it... I'm the Hokage for crying out loud, and I'm Tsunade, one of the Sannin, I'm the greatest med-nin in the world... and I make a Genin mistake like that... forget it, I'll be fine. I'm just embarrassed, but when you reach the level me and Jiraiya have you can forget there are jutsu you don't know. It won't happen again."

Sakura stepped closer, Tayuya on her left. "If it helps any Tsunade-sama, we weren't taught that jutsu, our kitsune didn't even mention it. We found out about it when everyone else did."

"Sakura-chan is telling the truth Tsunade-sama, from what I saw a jutsu like that isn't really our style... it'd make a great back-up jutsu though, just in case. It might even fit in with some of our Genjutsu." Tayuya said with a small grin.

Sakura smiled. "Good night everyone. Tayuya come with me out back I have an idea." Sakura said, then bowed, turned and ran towards the back door.

"Pinkie sure is impatient sometimes... great tits though, and that ass... MMm!" Tayuya said with a sly smile, licked her lips, bowed and followed Sakura casually with a small swing in her hips and swishes of her tail.

Naruto laughed. "She'll never change... but ya have to love her."

Tsunade raised her eyebrows slightly. "Have Sakura and Tayuya..."

"No Tsunade-chan they haven't, Sakura is waiting for our wedding night to... let herself go. Tayuya has tried though." Naruto said then laughed at the memories of watching Tayuya try to openly seduce Sakura.

Everyone laughed for a minute, then Kurenai and Anko left.

"Speaking of my guardian, since assistant wasn't her thing, at the Tower or Mansion... not that I don't love having her around but she makes Shikamaru look hyperactive." Tsunade said and paused a moment while everyone laughed. "Anyway, I better get home, my new assistant starts tomorrow, and I want to... oh who am I kidding you all know what I'm thinking, I have about two and a half, maybe three hours of sun left, and before it sets me and Shizune-chan are gonna get drunk off our asses!" Tsunade suddenly turned to Naruto, her bottom lip quivered subtly. "That is, if I'm still allowed to... Naruto-sama." Tsunade said almost submissively.

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