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"I miss you Eva."

Jack and Grace both looked at each other confused at the sound of SO Blake' voice. Eva? Who was Eva and why was SO Blake mentioning this 'Eva' hinside Grace's office.

"Maybe one day we could see each other again, but for now, be safe wherever you are." SO Blake left the room as she switched off the lights.

Grace and Jack both came out from their hiding place, lifting up the remote Grace switched in the mood lamps as Jack looked confused.

"Who is that?"

"The woman in the video. That's SO Blake."

"And what was she talking about? This Eva?" Jack looked seriously confused.

"Whatever, we just need to go through the videos, to see if The Attacker attacked." Jack realised what he was supposed to have said before.

"Hey." Grace stared at Jack curious. "I believe that you didn't do it." Jack smiled comfortingly as Grace nodded her head slowly.

"I'm not worried about that. I'm just focussed on who this imbecile is and why there was an imposter." Jack laughed at Grace's words.

"Glad we're on the same page." Jack started clicking away in his laptop after it loaded.

Placing wires into the computer and the laptop itself, ensuring that his laptop wouldn't leave any traces along the way. Grace was staring at her computer as she started clicking away, much to see Jack impressed.

"I didn't know you were an encryptor." Grace looked at Jack.

"There's a lot that you don't know." Grace's mysterious ways were back.

"Well then. I guess I should hang out with you a lot more." Jack continued typing away as Grace stared at her computer, loading with the configuration that came upon her computer.

"Got something." Grace mumbled as she clicked on it, the park's surveillance footage appeared.

"Okay, so on the computer it's live footage, I'm just re-playing the footage from yesterday and for at least a week to see when The Attacker had first attacked." Jack began staring at his laptop screen.

"Before you say, isn't that going to take weeks? Yes it would, but I already thought ahead. From yesterday, I had already implanted footage to notify me when The Attacker was first spotted. I know, complex, but I managed. So, I've got the dates up and here they are." Jack ended as he turned the laptop to face Grace as she was watching quite impressed.

"Fast forward it." Jack pressed a button as to which the footage was doubling the speed.

Just watching people day and night as the footage kept on playing, up onto the TV monitor. For two hours straight Grace and Jack were both making use of the time, Grace was staring at the files and making notes whereas Jack was staring at the monitor or creating paper aeroplanes. Quite worth the time, ain't it?

Whilst she was circling a few things on her notepad with a black sharpie, Jack was also creating a paper aeroplane, but whilst he closed his left eye and stared through a little hole in his plane, his eyes fell upon the TV, where there stood a masked figure.

Grace seemed to have realised this as well, because she looked up from the notepad to The Attacker. Grace's eyes felt like they could rest because they had actually caught a glance of The Attacker.

Detective Science #JustWriteIt #Wattpad10 #Ahawards2017Where stories live. Discover now