Rilaya Vs Chaya

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Farkle was in the library using the computer to editthe pictures that will belong in the school yearbook categories when he noticed that their was one category that was empty. Farkle instantly got out of his seat and grabbed his camera and texted Zay and Lucas to meet him at Topanga's.


Farkle was waiting patiently for Zay and Lucas. Five minutes have passed and both boys enter Topanga's and see Farkle and seat in their usual seats, "So, Farkle. Why did you wanna meet up with us?" Asked Lucas, "Also were are Maya, Chai and Smackle?" Asked Zay as both boys were confused. "I don't know where they're at. I called the two of you. Because as you know, I'm a editor in the yearbook club and as I was sorting the pictures in the categories. I noticed that we still haven't chosen a best couple and so I need your help on getting Rilaya votes." Replied Farkle proudly.

"Don't you mean Chaya! That Chaya should be announced best couple." Asked Lucas as it was obvious voice, Farkle and Lucas instantly stood up and glared at each other. Zay stood between them trying to prevent anything from happening.

"Guys, don't you remember what we talked about last time? About how Maya must be feeling and we should be their for them!" Said Zay as he tried to remind both boys what is important.

"You're right Zay. We shouldn't be arguing about who's the best couple. We shouldn't be picking sides, we should be their for our friends!" Said Farkle, "Your completely right. But there is solution to help us decide who's better." Said Lucas with a smirk. "What's your idea?" Questioned Farkle, "We ask our classmates who think is a better couple and the couple who has the most votes win. It maybe it can help Maya with her choice." Responded Lucas proudly. "Let's get to it!" Said Farkle excitedly. "This is awful idea." Whispered Zay as he followed the two boys.

Matthews Classroom

The next day, Farkle, Zay, Smackle, and Lucas told their classmates to stay after school and meet them in Mr. Matthews classroom for it is emergency. It took a lot of convincing for them to stay after but they finally decided too.

First, I'll like to thank all of you coming! We really it." Said Lucas with a smile. Their classmates nodded, "As you all know, there is a new love triangle, where Maya has to choose between either Chai or Riley." Said Zay as he explained. "Now, we all that the triangle isn't going to be solved quickly. I mean it took Lucas like what 2 years to finally chose. Maya, is probably going to do the same." Farkle said in obvious voice as the class agreed and Lucas send Farkle a glare.

"So, we called you here for we wanna know who you think is a better couple Rilaya or Chaya, and which one deserves to be put as best couple in the yearbook. Now on the chalkboard I wrote Rilaya on the left side and Chaya on the right side. Once, you decide which couple is better just put a tally mark, and whoever wins gets to be put as best couple." Said Farkle as he explained what there doing.

Sarah, Darby, Jade, Yindra, Clarissa, Yogi, Dave, Hailey, Jeffery, Wyatt, and Nigel were all deep thought. Sarah got up and put a tally mark on the left side, "We seen how Riley and Maya acted around each other since middle school. They bring out their best in each other. We all saw it when we were given detention. The worst feeling in the world is when you know that you both love each other but still, you just can't be together." Said Sarah as she explained why Rilaya is better, Darby got up and put a tally mark on the right side.

"Chai and Maya may have not known each other long. But we saw at Maya's birthday party how Maya was proud to announce their relationship, and the way they acted around each other. Once, they revealed their relationship? I vote for Chaya." Said Darby on why she picked Chaya.

Jade, Yindra, Clarissa, Yogi, Dave, Hailey, Jeffery, Wyatt, and Nigel all got up from their seats and walked to either the left or right side. It was finally time for them to count the votes when Farkle realized that Smackle hadn't voted.

"Smackle, you haven't voted for Rilaya yet?" Asked Farkle confused. Smackle looked at Farkle, "The reason I haven't voted yet is because I support Rilaya and Chaya." Said Smackle as she confessed she liked both couples. Farkle, Zay, Lucas, along with their classmates were shock.

"The only thing that matters to me. Is Maya's happiness, I don't care if it's Riley or Chai that ends up with Maya. I just want Maya to be happy! So I choose not to vote." Said Smackle as she told them what she really felt about the triangle.

Farkle was about to respond when the door opened, and Mr. Matthews entered the classroom and was confused why his students were here.

"What are y'all doing inside my classroom? You know school already ended and it's also Friday?" Asked Cory as he was completely confused. Sarah, Darby, Yogi, Dave, Jade, Yindra, Clarissa, Yogi, Hailey, Jeffery, Wyatt, and Nigel all ran out of the classroom.

Cory turned and faced Farkle, Zay, Smackle, and Lucas with a confused expression waiting for a explanation to what was happening. They all looked at each other and knew they had to tell Mr. Matthews the truth. Farkle told him everything. Cory looked at the chalkboard and counted the tally marks. He took a deep breath, "First, you shouldn't pick sides on who you think is better for Maya! Once, Maya decides between Riley or Chai, I want the four of you to be supportive! Especially with homecoming approaching in three months! The most important thing is to be there for them." Said Cory to the four friends.

They all looked at each other and nodded for they shouldn't pick sides, and will respect Maya's decision. Especially with homecoming approaching.

Decided to post a Second update while I'm waiting for the food to be served. Hope y'all enjoying your Christmas Eve!!!

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