Austin and Ally

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It was the weekend, and the gang decided to go to the park and walk around and then go to Topanga's. As, they were walking around Maya and Riley heard a very familiar voice screaming. "RILEY! MAYA!" Maya and Riley stopped walking and turned around and where reunited with two people that they haven't seen since the bay window ghost.

"AUSTIN! ALLY!" Both Maya and Riley yelled tackling them to the ground. The group heard Maya and Riley yell and turn around and see them on the ground hugging two people who they couldn't see since Maya and Riley where blocking their faces. Once, Maya and Riley got off of them they could now see their faces and where shocked.

"YOUR AUSTIN AND ALLY!" They shouted in excitement making Austin, Ally, Maya, and Riley to laugh. "Yeah, it's nice to meet Riley and Maya friends." Austin said as he and Ally shook their hands. "Guys, I like you to meet Farkle, Zay, Chai, Smackle, and Lucas." Riley said introducing Austin and Ally to their friends.

"Any friends of Riley and Maya. Are a friend of ours." Ally said smiling and then she looked at Maya again, and couldn't help but see that she looked exactly like Lucy.

"Austin, does Maya remind you of someone we know." Ally asked confusing everyone. Austin, looked at Maya and was instantly reminded of Lucy. Maya, was confused by the way Austin and Ally were staring at her. And who did she remind them of.

"Umm, so who do I remind you of?" Maya questioned both Austin and Ally. "I don't know if you remember. But, there was this one contestant in America Top Talent and her name was Lucy Gluckman. She was America Top Talent for their was always one contestant that is a joke and has no shot of winning and makes the audience laugh and Lucy was that contestant. When it came to pick the singers Ally picked Lucy." Austin explained to the group. "So what happened to Lucy when you picked her? Maya asked

"Well the mentoring didn't go so well. I basically turned Lucy to somebody she wasn't. She found out that she was this year joke contents by me. The only thing Lucy needed was to be confident in herself and she finally got the confidence and look." Ally said as she showed the video of Lucy singing Who I Am. The group noticed how Maya and Lucy looked exactly the same expect for the glasses and hair color. But everything was the same even their singing voice.

"Whoa! She looks just like me." Maya said shocked as she watched the end of the video. Ally took back her phone and nodded. "You even have the same singing voice." Riley said which grabbed Austin and Ally attention.

"Wait, Maya you can sing?" Austin asked excited as he came up with a idea. Maya glared at Riley who smiled at Maya. "Yeah, I guess I can sing." Maya replied nervously.

"Maya is amazing singer. She even wrote a song for Riley, it is amazing." Lucas said proudly at Maya who was blushing at the compliments she was receiving. "Okay, yeah I can sing and write my songs." Maya answered making Austin smile.

"Maya, how would you feel on competing in America Top Talent? I really wanna hear you sing the songs your written." Austin said excited. Maya and the rest where shocked. "That's amazing but I have to talk it over with Riley and my parents. Not to mention it might get in the way of my education." Maya said who still couldn't believe what Austin said.

"America Top Talent will start in the summer so school not a problem. And I understand why you have to talk it over with your parents but why do you have to talk it over with..." Austin didn't finish his sentence as he finally noticed a ring on Riley's left hand and instantly knew why Maya and Riley had to talk over it.

"The two of you are engaged?" Austin said shocked. Which, caused Ally to be shocked when she heard what Austin said and she then noticed the ring.

"Well congratulations you two. I had a feeling the two of you will end up dating and get married. But I never thought it would be when your still in high school. But still congrats." Ally said as she hugged Maya and Riley.

"Same here. So, you were each other first girlfriend?" Austin asked curiously and noticed how the whole group looked at each other. But mostly at Maya, Riley, and Chai.

"I was actually Maya first girlfriend." Chai said nervously as Maya and Chai laughed awkwardly. "Oh, well how did Maya and Riley get engaged, I mean the two of you do make a cute couple." Austin said laughing but stopped when Ally pitched him.

"We were stuck in a love triangle. I found out that Riley had feelings for me and I had to decide between Riley and Chai. It was a hard decision but I chose Riley and I purposed to her in the same day when I told her I picked her." Maya explained to Austin and Ally.

"How about we head to Topanga's and catch up since we last met." Riley suggested and Austin and Ally nodded. They arrived and talked about music and the A&A music industries. Once, Austin and Ally told them what they been up to. They told them what's happened since the eight grade all the way to their senior year. As everyone was getting up to leave and head home. Austin, pulled Maya aside.

"Maya, I really hope you agree to star in America Top Talent. Even, though I haven't heard you sing I know you got talent. And because of that....
I decided to write this chapter for I wanted Austin and Ally to appear again and I wanted them to notice that Maya looked exactly like Lucy.

Next chapter
Rilaya talk
The revenge
Maya loses herself
Scott reappears
Court decision

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