Telling The Class

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It has been a week since Maya purposed to Riley and Topanga finally giving their blessing. Maya and Riley decided to not tell anyone else about their engagement so Riley moved her wedding ring and put it on the same finger as her friendship ring.

Tomorrow will be the last day of their junior year, and then they'll be seniors. Maya and Riley were laying down cuddling on Riley's bed. Maya was playfully playing with Riley's left hand as she looked at Riley's engagement ring. Riley, was smiling because she still can't get over the fact that Maya chose her and purposed to her on the same day.

"Peaches, I don't want to keep our engagement a secret anymore. I want everyone to know that were engaged. That I have a fantastic fiancé." Riley said she looked at Maya with a smile. Maya looked up and nodded.

"Whatever you want." Maya replied and the two were instantly reminded when Maya first told Riley that. They both smiled at each and then Maya attacked Riley with kisses. Which made Riley smile and laugh. Even though Riley is only fifteen she knows that she's found her soulmate. The person who completes her. It was Maya since the very beginning.

The next day Riley and Maya walked into Mr. Matthews class and stood at the front of the classroom as they waited for everyone to seat down. The class then realized two things. The first is that the Rilaya/Chaya love triangle is over because the way Chai looking at Maya and Riley it's like she's okay with it and approves of them holding hands and mainly because of the way Maya looking at Riley. The second is what is shocking as in Riley left finger is wedding ring. They then looked at Maya and Riley and instantly figured it out.

"YOUR GETTING MARRIED!" Everyone in the class yelled expect for Mr. Matthew, Farkle, Zay, Chai, Smackle, and Lucas.

Maya and Riley nodded. "Yes, Maya and I are engaged. We been engaged since two days ago. Maya purposed to me and I said yes and I don't want to keep this engagement a secret. Because you guys have a right to know. Half of us always had the same class with each since the seventh grade. So know you guys know, Maya and I are engaged and if you decide to tell other students. We're okay with it." Riley said to the whole class. Everyone looked at each other and then faced the front. They then clapped for Riley and Maya engagement. Which made both girls smile.

The whole school had found out about their engagement. Some where supportive for they knew they had a feeling for each other. But, where to blind to see it and knew that they'll get married in the future, others thought they were too young to get married but still supported their engagement.

As, Maya, Riley, Chai, Farkle, Zay, Smackle, and Lucas where talking outside their health class. They didn't notice that someone was watching them. But was mainly watching Maya, Riley, Chai. With a smirk as the person then thought of a plan as she looked at both girls then the rest of the friends.

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